IRRT (International Relations Round Table)

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The mission of the International Relations Round Table is to promote interest in library issues and librarianship worldwide; to help coordinate international activities within ALA, serving as a liaison between the International Relations Committee and those members of the Association interested in international relations; to develop programs and activities which further the international objectives of ALA; and to provide hospitality and information to visitors from abroad.

Learn more about IRRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Gaza Resolution

    Posted Dec 13, 2023 02:02 PM
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    I am forwarding a request from the SRRT. 


    The ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table is distributing a resolution for endorsement to any and all ALA bodies to be forwarded to the ALA Council for discussion in January on the ongoing massacre in Gaza. Please forward to the executive committees of any groups in which you participate. Many thanks. Here is the text.

    Resolution Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

    WHEREAS, we value peace and the inherent worth of all human life;

    WHEREAS, we condemn the terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians on October 7 where over 1400 lost their

    lives and an additional 200-plus were taken hostage, the subsequent attacks by Israel on Palestinian civilians,

    and all targeting of civilians whether Israeli or Palestinian;

    WHEREAS, the bombing, blockading and forced displacement by the Netanyahu government and Israeli

    military has unleashed a humanitarian catastrophe on 2.3 million Gazan Palestinians, depriving the people of

    food, water, electricity, fuel, medical care and shelter, which constitutes the war crime of collective


    WHEREAS, the attacks on Israel by Hamas and the bombing of Gaza by Israel have killed thousands of

    civilians, including thousands of children, and continued war will kill thousands more Palestinians and


    WHEREAS, the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza could lead to a wider war and the deaths of many thousands

    more of Palestinians and Israelis, disproportionally affecting Palestinian civilians;

    WHEREAS, an Israeli ground invasion will result in the crime of genocide, according to the Center for

    Constitutional Rights and over 800 legal scholars from around the world2;

    WHEREAS, the freedom of expression of people voicing opposition to the Israeli assault on Gaza is being

    widely suppressed and many are being punished3;

    WHEREAS, this conflict is occurring in the context of the decades-long history of dispossession, occupation

    and apartheid imposed on Palestinian people4;

    WHEREAS, antisemitic and Islamophobic hate crimes are on the rise in the U.S.5;

    WHEREAS, we reject criticism of Israel and Zionism that lapses into antisemitism;

    WHEREAS, we can criticize Israel and Zionism without resorting to antisemitism, and must be vigilant not

    to ally with those who do;

    "UN experts say Israel's strikes on Gaza amount to 'collective punishment'", Reuters, 12 October 2023,

    Center for Constitutional Rights, "Israel's Unfolding Crime of Genocide of the Palestinian People & U.S. Failure to Prevent and

    Complicity in Genocide", 18 October 2023,

    and-complicity-genocide/; "Public Statement: Scholars Warn of Potential Genocide in Gaza", 17 October 2023,

    Alex Kane, "A 'McCarthyite Backlash' Against Pro-Palestine Speech", Jewish Currents, 20 October 2023,

    United Nations, "Security Council Resolution 242: The Situation in the Middle East", accessed 30 October 2023,; "Amnesty International: Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians", accessed

    30 October 2023,

    Perry Stein and Devlin Barrett, "U.S. officials address rise in threats, hate crimes against Jews, Muslims", Washington Post, 30

    October 2023,

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Social Responsibilities Round Table, in accordance with our

    commitment to peace and humanity, condemns violence and advocates for the U.S. President and Congress


    1. Call for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages held by Hamas.

    2. Suspend military aid to the government of Israel until the occupation is ended and the long-term

    security, well-being and dignity of both Israelis and Palestinians are achieved.

    3. Demand the end of Israeli policies depriving Palestinians of food, water, electricity, fuel, medical

    care and shelter.

    4. Condemn the violence between Palestine and Israel and commit to working toward a peaceful

    solution that recognizes equally the rights of both peoples to thrive in the land of Israel/Palestine.

    Approved by the Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) Action Council, 3 November 2023

    Al Kagan
    he, him

    Rachel Packard


    SRRT Gaza resolution.pdf   176 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Gaza Resolution

    Posted Jan 17, 2024 11:00 PM

    Hi Rachel,

    My apologies for the slow response. I just wanted to send an update and let you know that IRRT EC was forwarded the SRRT resolution as well as a couple other draft resolutions. While the International Relations Committee (IRC) is the group that is charged with the coordination of the international relations policy (in collaboration with the IRO) and the scope of IRRT is more focused on the practitioner aspects of international librarianship and many of the programmatic elements of conferences, the IRRT EC appreciated the opportunity to review the resolutions and provide input. After discussion at the recent January EC meeting, the IRRT EC voted to endorse the IRC draft ahead of the meeting of council at LLX. IRRT also will be represented at council by the IRRT councilor.

    Thanks for forwarding along and being a bridge between ALA groups!


    Mark Mattson
    Global Partnerships and Outreach Librarian
    Penn State University