IRRT (International Relations Round Table)

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The mission of the International Relations Round Table is to promote interest in library issues and librarianship worldwide; to help coordinate international activities within ALA, serving as a liaison between the International Relations Committee and those members of the Association interested in international relations; to develop programs and activities which further the international objectives of ALA; and to provide hospitality and information to visitors from abroad.

Learn more about IRRT on the ALA website.

FYI -- IFLA CPDWL Newsletter CFP

  • 1.  FYI -- IFLA CPDWL Newsletter CFP

    Posted Oct 12, 2023 10:16 AM
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    Dear Colleagues


    We are now approaching the end of 2023 having had a great WLIC in August and we are now starting to put together the next edition of the IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning section newsletter. At present content is very limited so please do think about something about sending something for the newsletter. It would be particularly good to see some reflections on the fantastic activities CPDWL were involved in at WLIC.


    As part of our activities we produce a newsletter twice a year to showcase the work of the section but also to help share good CPD practice with the wider international library and information community. The previous issues can be found here: CPDWL Section Newsletter – IFLA


    We would like the next newsletter to go out early in the new year so please endeavour to get items to me by 10th January 2024. Please send your contributions as soon as you can to help us keep to the publication deadline. If you feel you have anything for a later one then please do contact me to see if we might include it in the newsletter at a later point. I attach some guidelines for submission and look forward to hearing from you.


    With very best wishes



    IFLA CPDWL Newsletter Co-ordinator



    Dr Alan Brine

    Deputy Director and Head of Archives and Resource Management


    Directorate of Library and Learning Services


    The Gateway

    Leicester LE1 9BH

    T: +44 (0) 116 250 6123



    Raymond Pun