IRRT (International Relations Round Table)

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The mission of the International Relations Round Table is to promote interest in library issues and librarianship worldwide; to help coordinate international activities within ALA, serving as a liaison between the International Relations Committee and those members of the Association interested in international relations; to develop programs and activities which further the international objectives of ALA; and to provide hospitality and information to visitors from abroad.

Learn more about IRRT on the ALA website.

2nd CALL FOR CONTENT: April 2022 Newsletter

  • 1.  2nd CALL FOR CONTENT: April 2022 Newsletter

    Posted Mar 25, 2022 01:00 PM
    FAFLIG is still seeking content for its April 2022 edition (view the January 2022 edition)! We would most love to hear from others in or interested in federal and military libraries about:

    • Work practices of federal and military librarians - Are you working on a new project? Is there a job-specific tool or resource that you wish to promote? Are there specific skill sets that are needed to advance the profession?  Is there a particular problem that you are seeking to solve or a developing trend in fed/mil libraries that is on your mind? 
    • Human interest stories - Have you recently had a job change such as a promotion, retirement, or even a new hire? Has a library opened, closed, or even been renovated? Any accomplishments that you wish to share? What is it like working at your library, especially if it is abroad; as a retired fed/mil librarian; or as a new fed/mil librarian? 
    • Professional opportunities Are you hiring or anticipating hiring? Is there a professional development, training, or networking event that you would like to promote or for which you are seeking collaborators? Do you have any tips or tricks for those seeking to enter or move up in fed/mil libraries? 

    If you have any stories or ideas for stories to share,  please submit them to by noon on Sunday, 4/10/2022.  Complete submissions must be 200 words or less with your name, location, and the agency that you work for (if applicable). If you prefer to be published anonymously or using a pseudonym, please indicate that in your email.

    The newsletter will be published here on ALA Connect and FAFLIG's social media pages in an accessible PDF format on Friday, 4/29/2022.  Since it cannot happen without news and updates from you, FAFLIG thanks you in advance for participating!

    FAFLIG is a common forum for library staff working in U.S. federal agencies and the U.S. armed forces. It welcomes anyone interested in federal and military libraries. To stay abreast of all events and activities, connect with the group via ALA Connect, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn

    Ebony McDonald, MSLS
    Chair of Communications Committee
    Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Interest Group (FAFLIG)
    Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)
    American Library Association (ALA)