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Ms. Darcy Armstrong

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Darcy Armstrong

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Posted By Darcy Armstrong May 22, 2019 08:38 AM
Found In Egroup: IFRT Members Community (Open)
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"...why do we train people on how to handle intellectual freedom issues when they don't get to handle them?" That's a good question. They do get to handle them: pages, maintenance workers, board members, and anyone else who recognizably represents the library can and will be engaged by community members ...
Posted By Darcy Armstrong May 14, 2019 10:49 AM
Found In Egroup: IFRT Members Community (Open)
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Good point about the Request for Reconsideration, Leigh. The staff training I mentioned includes knowledge of that form and how the process works. We encourage staff to engage a complaining patron first before pointing them to the form. More often than not, patrons just want to be heard. I'm not sure ...
Posted By Darcy Armstrong May 13, 2019 09:47 AM
Found In Egroup: IFRT Members Community (Open)
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Hi, Ann. In my small public library, most patrons who raise objections to material do not pursue trying to have the material removed. We train our staff to listen to the patron's complaint and explain the library's CDP and commitment to intellectual freedom in a non-jargony way, for lack of a better ...