RBMS Information Exchange (Info Exchange)

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Charge: Exercises leadership in the local, national, and international special collections communities to represent and promote concerns related to rare books, manuscripts, and other special collections.
Community members can post as a new Discussion or email ALA-ACRL-RBMS@ConnectedCommunity.org
Before you post: please note job postings are prohibited on ALA Connect. Please see the Code of Conduct for more information.
When:  Jul 9, 2021 from 02:30 PM to 04:00 PM (ET)

RBMS Info Exchange will be held on July 9, 2021 from 2:30-4pm Eastern/1:30-3pm Central/12:30-2pm Mountain/11:30am-1pm Pacific.


If you plan to report live on behalf of a committee, liaison, or discussion group, please email Member-at-Large Lynne M. Thomas (lmt@illinois.edu) by July 2, 2021 so that your name can be added to the agenda.


To register to attend the meeting, please use the following link: https://illinois.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMMwEoRhTF2jaufI6kq8_Q


Once you have registered, you will receive an email with meeting login information.


Please feel free to follow up with any questions you might have.



Lynne M. Thomas (Member-at-Large)


Online Instructions:
Url: https://illinois.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMMwEoRhTF2jaufI6kq8_Q
Login: To register to attend the meeting, please use the following link: https://illinois.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VMMwEoRhTF2jaufI6kq8_Q