On January 26, 2023, OCLC expects to install changes to WorldCat Validation, including the following new features and enhancements:
- OCLC-MARC Validations of New MARC Codes Announced September 2022-January 2023
- Conversion of MARC Codes for LC Children's Cataloging
- MARC 21 Bibliographic Update No. 35 (Announced December 2022)
- MARC 21 Authority Update No. 35 (Announced December 2022) to the Validation Rule Set that Includes All Valid Elements of MARC 21 Authority Format. These changes apply only to the OCLC-MARC Authority validation rule set that includes all valid elements of MARC 21 Authority Format. Name Authority Cooperative (NACO) participants cannot use these authority format changes in the LC/NACO Authority File at this time. The Library of Congress and OCLC will announce the implementation of these elements for use in name and subject authority records in the LC/NACO Authority File at a future date.
- MARC 21 Holdings Update No. 35 (Announced December 2022)
- Nonfiling Indicators in Preferred Title Fields in Non-English Language of Cataloging Records
- Family Names in LC Authorities
It is gratifying to report that there were no bug fixes needed for this WorldCat Validation release.
These features and enhancements are the result of announcements of new MARC elements and codes by the Library of Congress as well as feedback and requests from members of the OCLC cooperative.
Please note that any remaining conversions of codes lcac and lcshac to cyac (or in 6XX fields to Second Indicator value 1) and of code embuscglg to buscem will be accomplished as quickly as we can manage.
See the WorldCat Validation Release Notes, January 2023 at oc.lc/validation-release-notes for more details of the changes that we hope to install on January 26, 2023.
Please forgive any duplication of this message.
Jay Weitz
Senior Consulting Database Specialist
Online Computer Library Center