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Open discussion of RDA, RDA Toolkit, and related topics
  • 1.  Technical Reports in RDA

    Posted Jun 13, 2023 12:00 AM


    According to ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997 (s2015) a scientific or technical report is defined as:

    "A document that conveys the results of basic or applied research ... has a unique, issuer-supplied report number and may have a contract or grant number and an accession or acquisition number ... its readership may be limited, its distribution may be limited or restricted, and its contents may include classified, proprietary, or copyrighted information ... may be written for an individual or organization as a contractual requirement to recount a total research story ... is not usually published or made available through the commercial publishing trade." -- https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/specialcataloging.html#technicalreports

    I have an item which is Report about the work progress of an institution, includes funded projects, budget, photos of the achieved restoration projects etc. This report doesn't include a report number and I think its readership and distribution may be limited. 

    It seems that this report is a print out and bound with a spiral binding.

    My question is: Do I consider this item a technical report?

    And are there specific fields that I need to use to indicate that it is a technical report and it is a print out?

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon...

    Best Regards,

    Ghada Dimashk

    American University of Beirut

    Ghada Dimashk
    American University of Beirut

  • 2.  RE: Technical Reports in RDA

    Posted Jun 13, 2023 08:02 AM


    No, that is not a technical report.  A technical report is a report about the findings of a specific basic research project.  As the definition says, it is often written to fulfill a reporting requirement of the funding organization.  Technical reports always have a technical report number.  What you have does not meet any of these requirements.  It sounds like it is an update report on the general status of the organization.  There are no special cataloging requirements for such a document.  If the document does not specifically indicate a publisher, you can probably assume it is the organization.  You could include binding and the fact that it is a printout in a note.

    Stephen McDonald
    Digital Initiatives Librarian
    Tufts University

  • 3.  RE: Technical Reports in RDA

    Posted Jun 14, 2023 12:33 AM

    Dear Stephan,

    Thank you for your reply. It was helpful.

    I guess I can catalogue it as a "Print-on-Demand".

    Have a nice day...

    Best Regards,



    Ghada Dimashk
    American University of Beirut

  • 4.  RE: Technical Reports in RDA

    Posted Jun 15, 2023 10:17 AM


    The phrase "technical report" does not appear in the official RDA Toolkit, and "print on demand" only appears in policy statements. The phrase "technical report" only appears in examples in the original Toolkit, and "print on demand" does not appear at all.

    Whatever, these categories are not "RDA", but perhaps something to do with MARC 21 or BIBFRAME? (There is nothing in the Index to AACR2.) If these categories are to be used within an RDA application, I suggest that "technical report" is a value of "category of work", while "print on demand" is a value of "category of manifestation".

    Gordon Dunsire