Dr Ahava Cohen (Chair) and the other members* of the newly-formed Joint RDA Board and RSC Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) are very keen to hear the views of the cataloging community on the use of Artificial Intelligence in cataloging. They will be grateful if you will complete their survey, which asks broad-brush questions to give them an idea of the current landscape.
The survey will be open for contributions untile close of play on 5 June 2024.
* Having been proposed by the RDA Board at the end of 2023, the Working Group met for the first time in May 2024 and its draft Terms of Reference (RSC/Chair/2024/7) are with the Board for approval at its next meeting in June. Alongside Dr Cohen, the Working Group's members are:
Christian Aliverti, RDA Board, Switzerland
Renate Behrens, RSC, Germany
Colleen Barbus, RDA Board, USA
Judith Cannan, RDA Board, USA
Charlene Chou, RSC, USA
James Hennelly, ALA Digital Reference, ex officio.
Note: This announcement was originally posted to RSC News | ALA RDA Toolkit, the first place to see news and announcements from the RSC.
Anne Welsh
RSC Secretary |
https://www.rdatoolkit.org/rscEditorial Consultant, ALA Digital Reference | RDA Toolkit