Greetings ALA Council,
The attached Resolution on Body Autonomy, Equity and ALA Conference Sites was received more than 48 hours before the start of Council III and is shared here for awareness and preliminary discussion.
Submitted on Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 00:37
Submitted by anonymous user:
Submitted values are:
Date: Sat, 06/25/2022
Resolution author(s): Tara Brady, Tom Twiss, April Sheppard, Al Kagan, Sherre Harrington, Mike Marlin, others!
E-mail address:
tarabrady@gmail.com1. Title of Resolution:
Resolution on Body Autonomy, Equity and ALA Conference Sites1a. Resolution File: Attached
2. ALA Units and/or Committees Consulted (if any):
SRRT will be discussing further at our action council meeting Sat AM and will decide which committees to bring it to (not that any of them will have much time with it unfortunately) but as of right now it's brand new and hasn't made the rounds yet.3. Endorsements by ALA Units and/or Committees (if any):
In principle by SRRT, as it was largely drafted at the all task force meeting Fri eve.4. Fiscal implications: Specify the resources needed to carry out the resolution's directive(s).:
The association may lose access to cheaper venues if it chooses to continue to uphold its principles of refusing to hold conferences in places where people are not treated equitably; depending on timelines there may be cancellation fees5. List all parties to whom resolution should be sent:
6. Impact on ALA Policies and Positions: Explain how the resolution supports ALA's Strategic Plan, its mission, and/or its core values.:
6a) ALA general policy or viewpoint: If the resolution sets forth a general policy or an ALA viewpoint, describe.:
Makes it an ALA policy to hold conferences only in states and cities that recognize the right to abortion and put no undue restriction on reproductive rights, healthcare decisions or bodily autonomy and6b) Change in existing policy: If this resolution necessitates a change in existing policy, state the policy number and the change.:
6c) New policy: If this resolution establishes new policy, describe.:
6d) Policy conflicts: If this resolution conflicts with existing policy, state provisions for resolving the conflict.:
7. Initiating Committee or Unit (if any):
SRRT8. Pertinent Background Information, e.g. bibliography, citations, supportive quotes, URLs, etc.:
Prior similar resolutions: Mover's Name: Tara Brady
9a) Mover's Local Telephone Number: [redacted]
10 Seconder's Name: Eileen Palmer
10a) Seconder's Local Telephone Number: [redacted]