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Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

  • 1.  Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 15, 2022 03:15 PM
    I am one of the Councilors who will be attending virtually as part of the ALA "Digital Experience."  I went in and filled out the registration forms for all the council sessions.  It indicates that the request is being moderated, and I will know later.  When is later?  And will we get the Zoom link to participate via the Digital platform or via email? 

    If this is meant to be straight forward, it isn't. Or at least it isn't to me.  Has anyone else who is attending Council virtually experience this? Am I doing it all wrong? (I am more than willing to admit I am making the errors). 

    My next couple of weeks is really busy and complex, and I hope to at least get these meetings' access squared away! 


    Councilor at Large

    Susan Martin
    Chair, Collection Development and Management
    Middle Tennessee State University

  • 2.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 08:41 AM

    If someone has purchased the Digital Experience package which are the conference sessions that are being livestream from the convention center, registrants can log in to the Scheduler with the email address they used to register for the event and their registration confirmation number as their password to view those sessions during the conference. They will see a livestream button within the session description that they should click on at the session start time to gain access.  There is a help section under My Activities within the Scheduler, which registrants can access should they run into issues.  

    For the Council sessions, Zoom registration is being moderated by Governance staff. All Councilors will receive their voting link and registration information closer to the meeting date.  ALA Governance hybrid sessions will contain a Zoom registration link in the AC scheduler. If you have issues, please contact directly. 

    Thank you!

    Sheryl Reyes
    American Library Association

  • 3.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 08:51 AM

    Thank you, Sheryl.


    I received this morning an email with a Zoom link in it.  I understand that my voting link will come separately which is different than my attendance link.


    I also understand this is the first time ALA has done a hybrid Council session and that there is a learning curve. I wish that instructions for the virtual folks were made clearer. I had to register for the "Digital Experience" in order to attend Council. Council attendance is the only reason why I did, and that my registration that my institution paid for me will be used simply to register and obtain a Zoom link for Council. 


    There has to be a better way.





    Susan Martin | Chair, Collection Development and Management | James E. Walker Library

    Middle Tennessee State University | 615-898-2819 |


  • 4.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 11:32 AM
    I agree with this strongly. It is a new change that registration is required to attend Council meetings and, if I am reading Council documents correctly, that change still needs to be approved by Council. Please someone correct me if I am wrong.

    I can understand that there are organizational reasons why ALA did this, and  I understand that running a hybrid meeting is a very different set of logistical challenges from running a meeting either entirely in-person or entirely online. I respect and appreciate the work of ALA staff and the Executive Board. However, and I know I'm a bit of a broken record on this, I feel that there are numerous equity issues involved in being able to offer hybrid options for Councilors and for attendees. I also feel that there are equity issues involved in putting access to Council meetings and Membership meetings behind a registration barrier where they've never been in the past. Before, people only had to be members and show up. Add to this the timing for the Council meetings (two meetings which are in the morning EDT which is the middle of the night for our colleagues in Hawaii) and I feel that we are being dissuaded from using the hybrid option when I feel that providing this is what we should be doing as an organization to help increase access which is one of our core values.

    My state organization's largest expense of the year outside of their conference is sending a Councilor to ALA twice and I feel it is my responsibility to manage costs for them. I'm aware there are conflicting values here, I hope this is a thing we can have some conversations about.

    I suspect we will get clarity about this process during the conference.

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 5.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 11:43 AM
    Before Covid and our hybrid meetings, we all had to pay to attend the ALA conferences in order to participate in Council. I'm not sure how many ALA meetings there have been where we weren't required to register to participate in Council during our annual and midwinter meetings, but it couldn't have been more than a couple of them. I always understood that running for Council meant I was committing to attending our ALA midwinter and annual meetings and that I would need to pay to register for the conferences and attend in person. The online sessions were  set up because of Covid, I believe. Did we ever vote to not charge for attendance and participation in Council? Can someone from ALA clarify all of this, please?

    Joseph R. (Bob) Diaz
    Associate Librarian/Archivist and Curator for the Performing Arts and Architecture
    Special Collections
    The University of Arizona Libraries
    1510 E. University Blvd, Tucson Az. 85712

  • 6.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 11:58 AM
    That is correct. Council members have always had to pay to attend conference and ALA meetings pre Covid. I think that because Covid threw such a link into everything, we got a little emergency grace but now things are getting back to normal. There is still a cost to ALA to set up the virtual hybrid aspect of Council meetings so I understand why Council members would have to pay to attend virtually. 
    Also, I'm one of those who must pay ALL of my own expenses so while it hurts my wallet, I trying to keep in mind that conference is how ALA generates a substantial amount of our money, so I try not grumble too much.  

    Get Outlook for iOS

  • 7.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:59 PM

    Past practices description/memories:
    My read/memory of the pre-Pandemic way Council operated is that Councilors would register for the conference to attend and participate in Council meetings, but that anyone (technically any member, but nobody checked membership status at the door) could come in and observe Council.

    My hazy assumption/memory was that [anyone / any member] could come in to observe (using "observe" rather than "attend" here) Council in session, registered or not. Though I also sort of remember seeing convention center security checking registration badges at some (but not every) Council meetings (I think the badge-check process was location/city-dependent?).

    ALA requires/asserts that all meetings (with some specific exceptions) are open meetings. Does the definition of "open meetings" specify whether they are open to all members or only registered Annual/MW/LLX attendees? My default read for business meetings, such as Council meetings, would be that the open meetings requirement allows ALA members to observe business meetings without needing to be a registered attendee for a physical meeting.

    Aaron W Dobbs (he/him)
    Library Support Staff Round Table, President, 2022 - 2023
    Library Support Staff Interests Round Table, President, 2021 - 2022
    ALA Council, Councilor for Small Round Tables, 2019 - 2022
    ALA Resolutions Committee, chair 2021 – 2022, member 2020 - 2022
    ALA Constitution & Bylaws Committee, member 2019 - 2023
    Round Table Member: GODORT, GNCRT, LearnRT, LHRT, LSSRT (formerly LSSIRT & SORT), MAGIRT, NMRT, RMRT
    Division Member: ACRL, Core (formerly LITA & LLAMA), RUSA, UNITED
    Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
    Professor & Library Department Chair
    Scholarly Communication Librarian
    Librarian Liaison for Business
    Librarian Liaison for STEM
    Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties
    Shippensburg University Chapter, President, 2022-2024; Vice President, 2016 - 2022
    Jeffrey W and Jo Anne R Coy Public Library of Shippensburg
    Board of Trustees, President 2022; Trustee 2019 - 2024

  • 8.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 03:01 PM
    I'm also very frustrated by it because it's $250 for me to attend meetings... and I hate to admit this... but I'm not sure how much of the other stuff I'm going to get around to seeing.  I still haven't used my virtual access to Midwinter because I simply haven't had time.  In person, in some ways, is even worse.  Not only is it more expensive, but you're also constantly (it feels like) in meetings and not getting the benefits of the rest of the conference that your colleagues are.  This is especially true if you have mobility issues and are forced to stay in one area of the conference to be able to make the meetings.  I had to do this at PLA--pick and choose what I would go to based on its proximity to the programs I felt I MUST attend.  At least there weren't meetings, so it really was my choice.  

    My main issue with this is also that COVID isn't over.  Some of us are unable to travel for health reasons right now because of spikes in our areas or because we can't afford to get stuck in another city for quarantine.  I understand ALA needs the money, but I also understand that I'm in a better situation than many others.   More importantly, I understand that we are missing out on those people's ideas and innovations and assistance with these barriers.  Not just because of the barriers, but because of many of our attitudes about them.  The people who seem to think "too bad, so sad, get over it" will only encourage those who can't afford to participate to lose all interest in participating if/when they CAN afford to.  How do I know?  Because I was one of those people... I felt very uncomfortable because of people that acted like I had no business being involved because I didn't have the discretionary funds they had.   Now that I do... I hope to make sure others don't feel that way.

    Sonnet Ireland
    Library Director

  • 9.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 04:54 PM

    I wonder if it might be worth considering having the ALA Council Meetings outside of the ALA Conference at different points in the year and doing Council fully online. Then, Councilors who want to participate fully in the conferences would be able to do so, and those who don't wouldn't have to. This is my last council experience, so only my first one was in-person at Midwinter in early 2020 before COVID and the rest have been fully online. I personally like the in-person better, and feel more connected to others and more informed of the issues, as I do not do well in long Zoom meetings, but it were broken up more throughout the year it might enable more participation. There could still be meet-ups at the conferences for those who enjoy the in-person connection. Just sharing my musings! There may be other logistical aspects that I am not aware of.


    Lucinda Rush Wittkower, MLIS, MME

    Pronouns: she/her/hers

    Head of Teaching & Learning Initiatives

    Old Dominion University Libraries

    (757) 683-5909






  • 10.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 24, 2022 11:12 AM
    I like this idea because it would make conferences more enjoyable if we weren't in meetings for 4+ hours a day every day.  I'm not against having SOME hybrid meetings... or even a social.   But having meetings focused on one or two items spread throughout the year would be less exhausting for some of us.

    Also, something that bothers me about the complaints of some of us not coming in person... COVID is still happening.  I know many of us are vaccinated, and it's not as bad as it was two years ago... but there are people who are high risk who cannot get vaccinated because of allergies or other health issues.  I have staff who are going through cancer treatments or have immunological problems that make even the mildest forms of COVID dangerous for them.   

    Another reason for doing the Digital Experience was simply that I cannot afford to quarantine in DC if I get exposed and can't fly home--I can't afford to leave my library for that long, and I probably can't afford the expense of an extra week of hotels and takeout.  I also would find it physically uncomfortable (and mentally exhausting) to be isolated in a place that isn't home.  As someone with chronic pain, sleeping in a hotel isn't fun when I'm feeling well... doing so when I am ill will almost certainly trigger a flare up of my condition.   It's also imperative that I attend my state's conference in a couple of weeks as the outgoing Past President, and I didn't want to risk an exposure in a distant city preventing that.  At least if, heaven forbid, I get sick at the state conference, I can drive home to quarantine and recover.  

    All that to say that--yes, when I signed up to run for Councilor-At-Large, I agreed to attend conferences and shoulder those costs.  However, many of us made that commitment before we knew how long the pandemic would last... some of us before the pandemic even started.  Not every concern is about money (though that is a valid concern) we expected to pay... the concern is about additional costs brought on by the need to quarantine... or just concern about our health and wellbeing.  If we want diversity and inclusion to be integral parts of Council, then we need to acknowledge these concerns and find a way to work that doesn't exclude those who have these concerns.

    Sonnet Ireland
    Library Director

  • 11.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 24, 2022 11:37 AM
    As a Councilor and Board member who had an emergency that required me to attend electronically, I am nodding along with this conversation. I would much rather be there in person as planned, and am having serious FOMO (and am pouting a lot). But I am grateful for the availability of a hybrid fallback. For those who attended this morning's Board meeting, my cap is off to ALA governance for the quality of the online access and the thoughtfulness that went into the access. The solution (OWL camera-mics) would not work for even a slimmed-down Council, but it's great for meeting rooms. I just logged on to the BARC meeting and it's great to be "with" the folks in the room.

    I would also note that I first argued for Council meeting between conferences in 2012:

    Interestingly, this post also addresses other topics under discussion. Everything old is new again!

    Karen G. Schneider

  • 12.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 28, 2022 07:46 PM
    I didn’t realize there were some negative thoughts on those who did not attend in person. I would loved to have gone as DC was my home for 7 years and I miss it terribly but I was unable to travel for reasons that are no one’s business except for ALA Staff and President Wong, which was the procedure BEFORE the pandemic. There are exceptions even before the pandemic for not attending conferences. After being isolated for so long in no-man’s land I wanted to be with you all.

    I think if people were talking negatively about councilors not attending should be careful. I should not have to disclose why I didn’t attend in person to anyone but ALA Staff and President Wong. And, I should not be penalized in any way - including verbally by my colleagues.

    Kari R. Mitchell, MLIS

    Sent from my iPhone
    Please excuse any typos

  • 13.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 08:33 AM
    I have heard no negativity toward those who attended electronically. I thought the hybrid conversations throughout our proceedings were flawless, and it made me feel as though our colleagues who called in were right there with us in council chambers! 

    Kudos to our amazing governance team for getting this right the very first time!

    All my best,

    Karen E Downing, M.I.L.S., Ph.D.
    Education Librarian
    University of Michigan
    209 Hatcher Graduate Library

  • 14.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 10:18 AM
    I agree with Karen. The only improvement on my wish list would be to have a list of who is attending virtually. I only knew if they spoke. I was so glad the option was live. 
    But overall, the tech was managed very well throughout, with few glitches. Thanks to all responsible. 
    Dorcas Hand
    Texas Chapter Councilor

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 15.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 10:42 AM
    Agree on the list of attendees, though that is actually a limitation of Zoom. Webinar mode doesn't support providing an attendee list to participants. We could brainstorm a workaround (which could be as simple as Councilors self-reporting in advance to their peers that they plan to attend online).

    I want to comment on how carefully ALA staff prepared for online meetings at Annual. Earlier in June I attended a two-day non-ALA meeting with about two dozen attendees, a third of whom were online. The meeting host used the same technology ALA used in its small meeting rooms (OWL Meeting Pro combo mic/cameras, ). But that non-ALA meeting was very frustrating for the online attendees. It was very obvious that there had been no preparation or testing of the OWL technology, room setup, etc. Some of the issues at this non-ALA meeting were resolved on the fly when the online attendees begged/coached the host through needed changes, but there were persistent issues with audibility in part due to the room configuration, and the video was blurry. Questions spoken out of range of the mic weren't repeated. It was very frustrating.

    In contrast, it was very clear that for ALA Annual ALA staff had thought through and tested the technology, the room setup, etc. And as someone commented somewhere on Connect (maybe this list?), President Wong was very mindful about the online attendees, and frequently checked in with us to ensure we were included in the discussion. Questions posed by people far from the mics were repeated by meeting leaders so the Zoom folks could hear them. Kudos to ALA staff and member leaders!

    Karen G. Schneider
    ALA Councilor at Large

  • 16.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 11:40 AM
    My only real concern is a better balance of speaking timely on issues.  There was at least 1 time (I called Point of Order) that virtual speakers who had yet spoken were skipped while live attendees spoke more than once.  I don't have a solution to that.  President Wong did a wonderful job trying to balance virtual/live comments.  So thought on how to balance that would be a good idea.

    I would also like to see a bit more patience for virtual speakers to unmute.  At times there are delays.  I noticed it in the Q&A when asking to speak and when acknowledged, a delay in the unmute button at times.  I think only once that affected a virtual speaker.

    Lastly, I would like to see more transparency between the ALA Office with virtual attendees and the President.  When I was having problems voting, I was told a couple times they could not address President Wong unless President Wong called on them.  Votes are important.  Even if the President follows-up with Staff during votes, etc. to see if there are any problems with virtual attendees.  I am not sure how that works with Robert's Rules and this is the first ever hybrid.  Has Robert's Rules updated to include virtual/hybrid meetings? ��

    Kari R. Mitchell, MLIS

    Sent from my iPhone
    Please excuse any typos

  • 17.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 01:40 PM
    Hello Kari,

    Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised does provide guidance and suggestions on virtual participation. However, complex organizations often find it necessary to adopt additional rules to preserve the rights of all participants.

    Feedback from this most recent conference will be used in planning for upcoming hybrid deliberations. The best way to address your points would be to adopt conference rules/policies that address recognition and voting.


    Adrian Stratton, PRP

  • 18.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 02:13 PM
    Thanks Adrain!  I will be sure to look at the newly revised edition to see what is written there.

    Kari R. Mitchell, MLIS

    Sent from my iPhone
    Please excuse any typos

  • 19.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 02:25 PM
    Sonnet, your idea sounds good if it follows Robert's Rules (I would love to be a know it all about Robert's Rules, but I'm not).  And your issue about being passed over was why I called the Point of Order, then I was almost bypassed because I didn't get the unmute button.  There needs to be a little longer allowance for virtual attendees due to delays in unmuting, and also asking to speak (I noticed the last day that it took longer for my requests to post).  

    I also think it would be a good idea for the President to give time to talk to virtual participants at some point if there were problems.  I was very frustrated the last day when I started to have problems and asked that the President/Council to be advised of those problems, yet that never happened.  I was relieved to find out that my vote did record, but for 85 seconds I was struggling to get feedback because I did not have the ability to vote and ALA Staff could not address the President unless called on.  Adrian, what does Robert's Rules state in regards to an issue like that?  How can I ensure knowledge of the problem is addressed timely so I can vote?  I was desperate and called "Point of Order, Point of Clarification, Point of whatever" (I think that is what I wrote) but those cannot be called during live vote and I tried to speak after the vote but President Wong was not informed of the problem therefore I was not addressed.

    Kari R. Mitchell, MLIS

    Sent from my iPhone
    Please excuse any typos

  • 20.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 01:55 PM
    I absolutely agree, Kari.  I was one of the ones with issues speaking.  I was called on... and not unmuted until after Patty had moved on, which was insanely frustrating, especially when someone called the question (thankfully out of order) and it looked like I wouldn't get the chance to speak.  I pointed that out when they finally did call on me because I felt that people present in-person were likely unaware of all the issues that were going on for the virtual attendees, and I wanted them to know we weren't being slow on our end.  I also would like to see a virtual timer of some sort.  It was very frustrating to lost time while being muted (again) and then to be interrupted in the middle of speaking.  I understand there is a need for that, but it has the effect of not allowing the virtual speaker their full time.  I was especially frustrated because bringing attention to the issues we were facing virtually should not have been counted toward my time on the issue, in my opinion.  Mainly because those issues weren't being addressed in the Q&A.  And mine was just not being unmuted in time (then being unmuted during in-person people's time... it was so confusing)--voting is a serious problem.  Seeing people have issues with that worried me deeply. 

    Maybe it would be more equitable  (or maybe this is a crazy idea) to implement some sort of electronic queue for speaking.  If we could have it be in an app or on a site (like our voting), we could easily have in-person and virtual attendees put in their information to speak.  It would ensure that virtual attendees aren't forgotten, but it would also make things easier for people who may have mobility issues with trying to get to the microphone.  I would recommend the queue be visible for everyone so that someone in person could start to make their way to a microphone when they see they are second, third, etc. in line.  It would also help prevent too many people repeating before others have had a chance to talk, as you'll see the names you recognize and the names you don't.  Just a thought.

    Sonnet Ireland
    Library Director

  • 21.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 29, 2022 02:00 PM
    To be clear, I think everyone was doing the best they could, and I appreciate how hard it was.  The answer will likely involve having a person (or two or three) dedicated to the virtual attendance for voting issues, etc.  But I don't want this to sound ungrateful.  It was just super frustrating for all involved, I'm sure.

    Sonnet Ireland
    Library Director

  • 22.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 05:10 PM

    Thank you for saying what I and I'm sure others have been feeling. While we appreciate the experience of those that have been in governance longer, that doesn't mean that newer Councilors like us shouldn't be taken seriously for wanting something different. I also have felt like I'm using funds on meetings rather than getting a full conference experience. I personally would like virtual meetings outside of the conference dates.

    I know I agreed to be a Chapter Councilor, but I'm also a person that's very worried about being in a conference center full of thousands of people. Our concerns regarding our physical and mental health should be taken seriously. Each of us has our own story, which is our choice to share. I do hope that we do continue with virtual/hybrid meetings because I will not be attending in person in January. I have children in school and unreliable childcare in the winter due to where I live. And frankly, if we do not offer more equitable solutions for those unable to attend conferences because they can't or won't, MEMBERSHIPS WILL DECLINE.

    And we as a profession that's all about access and information, should be able to make it okay without making a person feel bad about it or that they don't belong. We don't need vocational awe being thrown at us, especially by our colleagues. Being reminded of our responsibilities and being told that it's a choice to serve on Council just makes a person feel unwanted.

    Heather VanDyne
    Online Learning Librarian
    Fort Hays State University

  • 23.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 17, 2022 08:23 AM

    Good morning,


    I did not mean to launch another discussion about the question/validity of requiring conference registration for Councilors. My original request was a logistics question and ensuring that I had not missed how to access the up-coming meetings.


    However, the ensuing conversation has afforded me an unexpected opportunity to learn a bit more about my fellow councilors and their perspectives.  It has also assisted me as I think through my own current and future connections and involvement with ALA.




    Susan Martin | Chair, Collection Development and Management | James E. Walker Library

    Middle Tennessee State University | 615-898-2819 |


  • 24.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:00 PM
    I feel like there is some cognitive dissonance at play here.  On one hand, we want to employ DEI principles, increase accessibility, have greater participation from membership, and make Council less intimidating. On the other hand, we have Council pretty much functioning behind a "paywall." Yes, pre-COVID times were different. Why we would go back to the way things were done pre-COVID? If Council moves to a role as an advisory body AND we limit the number of Councilors, then the money argument is moot. As Council is restructured, we should be open to hybrid options and removing the pay to play concept. At its core that is what it is: pay to play. Money and travel should not be an issue in a truly in an equitable and social justice oriented governance structure.

    Amanda Roper
    Adult Services Librarian
    Chattanooga State Community College

  • 25.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:12 PM
    Why is equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice even a part of this conversation? Are people of color on Council complaining about the costs? I'm a person of color and I'm gay, and I don't have a problem paying for my membership and participation in ALA. We all know ALA is a professional organization and that it does indeed cost money to participate. I don't know of any other professional groups that don't require some form of dues or fees associated with participation or attendance at meetings. If people cannot afford the costs, there are certainly many other ways to serve the profession, both locally and regionally. I will likely get slammed for saying so, but I'm tired of hearing people use DEI and social justice as reasons for not having to pay for participation.

    No decisions have been made yet either about downsizing the number of Council members or about making it an advisory body. The entire membership has to vote on these changes at some point. 

    Joseph R. (Bob) Diaz
    Associate Librarian/Archivist and Curator for the Performing Arts and Architecture
    Special Collections
    The University of Arizona Libraries
    1510 E. University Blvd, Tucson Az. 85712

  • 26.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:25 PM
    Joseph Diaz you keep beating me to the punch. I must say, I was a little offended that the EDI issue was thrown in. I am a low-income black woman who has had to pay her own way to participate in ALA for years. I do so because this profession is important to me. Sometimes participation comes at a cost. We pay dues, we volunteer our time. I don't know of any professional organizations that don't operate this way. Even as kids if we want to be involved in Scouting or 4H we pay dues and travel and camp fees. Now, I DO wish there was a fund to assist those who truly need it. That would go a long way toward leveling the playing field. 

    In any case, if Amanda and others feel strongly about this, then I believe that a resolution needs to be written, seconded.  and the issue taken up on the council floor. Until then, Council has no choice but to carry on as it has. 


    Kimberly Patton, MSM, MLS (she/her/hers)
    YS Collection Development Librarian
    Kansas City Kansas Public Library System
    625 Minnesota Ave. 
    Kansas City, KS 66101
    Phone: (913) 295-8250  ext. 6605

    Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Division Councilor
    Intellectual Freedom Committee
    ALA Children's Book Council


  • 27.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:29 PM
    Wage Stagnation
    Funding cuts to libraries (travel is usually the first to go)
    Having a physical or mental disability
    Childcare cost and lack of availability

    Your comment is mean-spirited and deeply offensive. The fact that you think people are "using" social justice as a way to get out of "paying" to participate is super gross. I'm queer, poor, and I have a mental illness.  

    Why do we have to be like other professional organizations? 

    Amanda Roper
    Adult Services Librarian
    Chattanooga State Community College

  • 28.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:46 PM
    I was asked in a TAG meeting to explain why Council is intimidating. This is why. I am new to Council and really want to serve. When I bring up an idea or ask a question I am generally asking and want to understand one's point of view. I feel like each time I ask a question or suggest a new way of thinking it rubs someone the wrong way. 

    Maybe this is why Forum is important? 

    Financial sacrifices? Dude, I am poor and still have it better than most. Also, we're still discounting ABLEISM. 

    John, I know you have been on Council for 18 years. You literally bring it up all the time.

    Amanda Roper
    Adult Services Librarian
    Chattanooga State Community College

  • 29.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:57 PM
    I believe the question at hand is one of policy vs practice: practice has been Councilors have been expected to pay to attend conference to participate in Council meetings (conference registration being a separate cost from travel), but policy says Council meetings are open to all members and does not require conference registration, which, as Jessamyn points out, suggests no Councilor should have to pay registration to attend Council meetings as a Councilor. Clarification on this would be great, because it sounds like practice has been overriding policy.

    Ensuring as many Councilors as possible can attend these upcoming sessions is crucial; there's much still at stake. Ensuring robust virtual options because we are still in a global health crisis (!!!!) is particularly essential.  

    I will note that we have already made some crucial decisions in the votes on the TAG resolutions in January and March, which, I believe includes whatever this body looks like meeting more frequently, with  a number of those meetings virtual. So whether you like it or not, whether you think Council business can or should only be done in person, change has already come. We need to focus on moving forward with transparency, openness, inclusion, and equity to clarify governance and increase member engagement and satisfaction -- goals underpinning all of this work.

    Stephanie Chase
    PLA Division Councilor

  • 30.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 02:30 PM
    > Clarification on this would be great, because it sounds like practice has been overriding policy.

    This is my understanding. And I think there have been attempts to bring practice more in line with policy but it's also my understanding that the policies haven't officially changed yet; we get to determine whether they should at Annual. I brought this up in May but I don't believe we arrived at a definitive conclusion.

    > Are people of color on Council complaining about the costs?

    I can only speak to the members who I have both spoken to and who I have encouraged to get more involved in governance at a national association level. The barriers that were described to me included

    - physical and mental health challenges
    - caregiver responsibilities (for children, parents, others)
    - time involved in a multi-day conference that may be a day's travel away from home
    - money involved in a multi-day conference involving hotels, flights and other food and transportation costs
    - registering for an entire conference in order to attend possibly only three governance meetings

    It's possible that Council is only supposed to be for people who do not have these barriers in which case let's be honest about that. I've been involved in state and national library governance on and off since the 1990s and while I find it personally rewarding it can also be deeply frustrating hearing from younger/newer library workers who want to get involved in governance and who feel excluded  from involvement due to barriers like the ones listed above. This is why I specifically discussed both access and equity which I believe are appropriate to this discussion.

    Jessamyn West
    Chapter Councilor - Vermont

  • 31.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 03:15 PM
    Something else that we aren't thinking about... and Amanda Roper brought it up when she said "Why do we have to be like other professional organizations?":

    Times have changed.  I'm a millennial, but my mother had me very late in life.  So I grew up going to meetings.  So. Many. Meetings.  My mother (along with her mother and sisters) was an active member of the DAVA (Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary), VFW Auxiliary (Veterans of Foreign Wars), the American Legion, and many more groups.  Civic organizations, volunteer groups, you named it.  You joined to be a member.  There was honor in being a member and being active in that community.  That's not how it works any more.  As a long-time officer of the Louisiana Library Association, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is: Why should I join?  What do I get out of it?  What's in it for me?  I'm not dismissing those thoughts--in fact, it's something that was so alien to my upbringing that it jarred something in me.  I'm paying for the privilege to serve, and I'm okay with that---but that's an old-fashioned way of thinking.  If organizations want to survive the newer generations, then we all need to figure these things out pretty quickly.  We are in a time where people are highly valuing their labor and expecting compensation for it (which is fair)--so finding volunteers is hard enough, let alone volunteers willing to spend their time, energy, expertise AND money to keep something going.

    Sonnet Ireland
    Library Director

  • 32.  RE: Registering for Council meetings via the Conference scheduler

    Posted Jun 16, 2022 01:30 PM
    Thank you,  Bob, for speaking up on this.  I agree wholeheartedly.

    When ALA members volunteer to run for Council, they are informed that they are expected to be present in person at Council meetings during the ALA conferences unless they are officially excused.  I'm amazed that some councilors think that they should not have to pay a registration fee to attend an ALA conference (in-person or virtually) of which Council meetings are a component.  In my view, ALA members should not seek positions on Council if they cannot commit to attending in-person Council sessions during the conferences.  I have been a councilor for 18 years and have never missed a Council meeting.  Sometimes this did indeed involve making personal financial sacrifices in order to do so.

    The COVID pandemic required ALA to make unusual adjustments in order to continue Council meetings.  I never thought that the less-than-satisfactory Zoom Council sessions would permanently replace the in-person Council meetings that have always taken place.

    John DeSantis
    Interim Head of Metadata Services
    Dartmouth College
    Hanover, NH