Core/ MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group

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Discusses the basic issues relating to bibliographic control of maps and related materials. Discusses rules and standards covering such cataloging, as well as application of the rules and principles both in general and in response to specific problems, and various practicing options.

This group is part of Core's Metadata & Collections Section.

OCLC Data Labelling Project Update

  • 1.  OCLC Data Labelling Project Update

    Posted Feb 20, 2023 03:24 PM

    Thank you for your continued support with the data labeling project. We continue making progress toward our goal of 60,000 records, but we're not there yet. We have recently seen an uptick in both interest and activity with this initiative, so we're extending the availability of the interface to 15 April 2023.

    Our friends at Cleveland Museum of Art remain at the top of the Leaderboard with Salisbury University and Indiana University staying strong in their respective spots at two and three. So far, this has been a global undertaking with participation from across Europe, Australia, Canada, the United States and everywhere in between. The work you have done is meaningful and we wouldn't be as far along in this project without all of you.

    Interesting statistics about the project:

    ·         300+ users have labeled at least one pair of manifestations. That's an additional 100 users over the previous month!

    ·         39% of labels have been marked "True", and 60.5% of labels have been marked "False"

    ·         The most referenced tags/fields are 245, 260, 264, 250, and 500

     As noted above, the project was recently extended and the interface will now remain open through 15 April 2023. For more information, read the participation instructions, FAQs, or check out the Leaderboard to see where you rank.

    We appreciate your continued support in advancing the mission of libraries worldwide-this has truly been a global effort thanks to all of you.

    Take me to the data labeling tool

    Please excuse duplication of this message.


    Jay Weitz


    OCLC · Senior Consulting Database Specialist, Membership and Research

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    Jay Weitz
    Senior Consulting Database Specialist
    Online Computer Library Center