Happy Monday, ALA Council!
I'm pleased to see and share this coverage of the backlash ALA has been experiencing.
To see this discourse expanding and for a broader audience to examine the historical implications to freedom of speech, thought, and association is happy making.
This article may inform the work of the Chapter Relations Committee and ALA Chapters Leadership (who met last week) to discuss paths to preemptively seek collaboration and connection with government agencies (State Libraries, Commissions, etc.) regardless of the free expressions of social, political, religious, sexual, or ideological differences made by those holding spaces of leadership and to remind them of our shared mission and values to uphold literacy and learning.
Top librarian calls 'Marxist lesbian' tweet backlash 'regrettable'
NBC News |
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Top librarian calls 'Marxist lesbian' tweet backlash 'regrettable' |
GOP lawmakers in several states have called for defunding the American Library Association because of Emily Drabinski's identity and political beliefs. |
View this on NBC News > |
My best to you all,
Sam Helmick
Iowa Library Association President
ALA Executive Board liaison to the Office of Chapter Relations
[Sam] [Helmick] [Iowa Chapter Councilor] [IFRT Chair-Elect]
[Community & Access Coordinator]
[Iowa City Public Library (Iowa)]