ALA Council

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Invitation to Candidate Open House for ALA President & Councilor-at-Large

  • 1.  Invitation to Candidate Open House for ALA President & Councilor-at-Large

    Posted Aug 08, 2022 02:20 PM

    Dear ALA Councilor,

    The ALA Nominating Committee invites you to an online open house for members interested in becoming the 2024-2025 ALA President or 2023-2026 Councilor at Large. The webinar will cover the role and responsibilities of an elected leader, an overview of the nomination process, and an interactive Q&A segment.

    The webinar is scheduled on Monday, August 22nd 12:30pm PST / 1:30pm MST / 2:30pm CST / 3:30pm EST.

    Register for the Webinar: 

    The webinar will be recorded and made available on the ALA Election Information webpage. For more information:

    If you are interested in being considered for the position of ALA President-elect or Councilor at Large, please complete the candidate Biographical Form found here.

    Eligible ALA members will vote in the 2023 ALA elections taking place March 13-April 5, 2023. Newly elected leaders officially begin their term after the 2023 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, June 22-27, 2023.

     Thank you,

    2022 ALA Nominating Committee

    Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Chair

    Noah Beckman, Member

    Jacquelyn A. Bryant, Member

    Kenny Garcia, Member

    Richard Kong, Member

    Sandy Littletree, Member

    Matthew Noe, Member

    Susan Polos, Member

    Dr. Daniella Smith, Member

    Daniella Smith
    University of North Texas