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Call for review and comment: NISO Z39.102-202X, STS: Standards Tag Suite

  • 1.  Call for review and comment: NISO Z39.102-202X, STS: Standards Tag Suite

    Posted Sep 13, 2022 09:26 AM

    The following NISO standard is being circulated for review and comment:

    NISO Z39.102-202X, STS: Standards Tag Suite

    The Standards Tag Suite (STS) provides a common XML format that developers, publishers, and distributors of standards, including national standards bodies, regional and international standards bodies, and standards development organizations, can use to publish and exchange full-text content and metadata of standards. STS is based on ANSI/NISO Z39.96 (JATS). Structures are provided to encode both the normative and non-normative content of: standards, adoptions of standards, and standards-like documents that are produced by standards organizations.

    For reference:
    This is the second edition of this standard. NISO STS, including the element and attribute descriptions and the two standards tag sets, have been extended based on user experience, public comments, and incorporating applicable modifications that have been made to JATS 1.3. NISO STS 1.2, this version, is fully backward compatible with the previous version of this standard, NISO STS 1.0, and with ISO STS versions 1.1 and 1.0. That is, any document valid to ISO STS 1.1 or to NISO STS 1.0 will be valid to NISO STS 1.2, by changing only the document type declaration (or other schema identification mechanism).

    Please contact Yuji Tosaka (tosaka@tcnj.edu) if you are interested in reviewing the document to provide comment. A full copy of the document is available upon request.

    Feedback is requested by Friday. October 7, 2022.

    Catherine Smith
    Coordinator of Metadata
    University of Alabama