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Open discussion of RDA, RDA Toolkit, and related topics

Call for Participation: Archives Working Group

  • 1.  Call for Participation: Archives Working Group

    Posted Oct 15, 2024 11:31 AM

    The RDA Steering Committee (RSC) is keen to explore ways in which RDA is of interest and use to those documenting archival resources, and the synergy that can exist between RDA and other standards and guidelines for cataloguing and documentation.

    To that end, it is keen to establish a Task and Finish Working Group on Archives, and is reaching out to experts who are active in Archival Description. It has established a charge document (RSC/Chair/2024; also available with URI in ALAIR) and would like to hear from colleagues interested in volunteering to join the Archives Working Group. 

    If you are interested in volunteering yourself or suggesting a colleague with relevant expertise, please contact the RSC Chair, Renate Behrens in the first instance: RSCchair@rdatoolkit.org


    This news item was first published at RSC News | ALA RDA Toolkit, which is always the first place to look for news about the RDA Steering Committee.

    Anne Welsh
    RSC Secretary | https://www.rdatoolkit.org/rsc
    Editorial Consultant, ALA Digital Reference