Core Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group

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Cataloging Competencies Task Force 

Nov 18, 2015 12:51 PM

August 2015


The Cataloging Competencies Task Force is charged to draft a core competencies document enumerating the skills and knowledge required for a career in cataloging for use by cataloging practitioners and educators. The task force will identify competencies that are broad enough to be applicable to all concerned with metadata creation, with the intent that specialized communities will extend the document in the future.

The task force will ensure that the document focuses on the foundational principles of cataloging and metadata creation and avoid recommending specific tools and standards (tools and standards may be referenced in examples, if desired). Finally, the competencies document should acknowledge catalogers' total education and career-long development, rather than identifying a basic set of skills for new library and information science graduates.

The task force will submit a first draft to the Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group (CECCIG) by Friday, December 4, 2016. The task force chair will distribute the draft for community comment by December 11, in advance of the ALA Midwinter Meeting. A public comment forum will be held during the CECCIG's Midwinter meeting on Friday, January 8, 2016.


Bruce Evans, chair
Jennifer A. Liss
Arthur Liu
Scott Piepenburg
Beth Shoemaker
Karen Snow
Raegan Wiechert


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