Core Faceted Subject Access Interest Group

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The Faceted Subject Access Interest Group (FSAIG) met at the ALA Midwinter 2018--summary 

Feb 24, 2018 02:42 PM


The Faceted Subject Access Interest Group (FSAIG) met at the ALA Midwinter in Denver on Saturday, February 10th - 4:30-5:30 pm.This is a summary of the meeting: There were 71 attendees.


  1. Using MARC Facets for Music with Primo: Kelly McGrath discussed some of the problems and potential solutions to music cataloging. Currently in LCSH, subject headings are not together by instrument, so when searching for pieces with specific instrumentation users must perform multiple searches and can’t browse lists easily. Music catalogers also run into the problem of using fields such as the 048 which is a place to code the instruments used in a piece, but since most systems don’t take advantage of the field, many don’t code the field. Recently with the removal of genre and form headings from LCSH, music headings have also been reviewed and LCMPT (Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music) was created, and while it is an improvement it is not perfect. New MARC fields have also been created to assist with some of the problems. McGrath’s library and the consortium they are part of have developed their own search engine, based on Primo, to better assist those searching for music. They are using the 048 and have added some extra subfields to code for total number of parts in a piece and genre. They also use the new 382 field. Using the information coded in these two fields they created a facetted search that allows searchers to find pieces by instrument or voice, number of performers, and medium of performance among others things. One of the difficulties that they have run into is that because of incomplete coding in older pieces search results are incomplete, leading them to contemplate a retrospective conversion and hope that the new 382 fields will become standard across databases and amongst catalogers.

  2. OCLC FAST Update: Diane Vizine-Goetz gave an update on FAST and shared the results of a FAST survey that went out a few months ago. OCLC has added the ability in ImportFAST for pilot users to suggest new FAST headings that are either personal or corporate names and topical headings consistent with FAST. They are also reformatting event headings from 111s to 147s and have proposed new subfields for place and date. The FAST survey that went out was used to gauge interest in FAST, she shared a few of the initial results, and the final results will be released shortly after ALA.



Using MARC Facets for Music with Primo final_0.pptx

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