As you might be able to tell from my questions about the place entity, I am working on developing LC/PCC policies and metadata guidance for this entity. Today's question has to do with the element "
country associated with person of".
Currently, in NACO authority records we record the reciprocal element "
country associated with person" as an attribute in MARC 370 subfield $c:
100 1# $a Biden, Joseph R., $c Jr.
370 ## $c United States $2 naf
The relationship could also be recorded as:
100 1# $a Biden, Joseph R., $c Jr.
551 ## $w r $i Country associated with person: $a United States $4 inverse relationship "
country associated with person of" has no place specific place in MARC 3XX to record it. It can, however, be recorded in the 500 field:
151 ## $a United States
500 1# $w r $i Country associated with person of: $a Biden, Joseph R., $c Jr. $4 aside the consideration of whether it is advisable to record the relationship in this direction, since any country would have so many persons that could be associated with it, I am particularly wondering about the choice of name for this element. It is not at all apparent from the current name that the domain is place and the range is person. In this situation, I don't think it makes sense to just add "of" to form the inverse of "country associated with person". Wouldn't "person associated with country" be much clearer as the name for this element?:
151 ## $a United States
500 1# $w r $i Person associated with country: $a Biden, Joseph R., $c Jr. $4
Adam Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries