Dear colleagues,
Just in time for Spring, Educopia is releasing its first Community Cultivation guide!
Vision in Formation: Articulating Your Community's Purpose is the first guide in our long-planned library of entirely open tools, templates, and guidance documentation to help communities navigate common challenges experienced across lifecycle stages and growth areas.
As a new community forms, its initial members need to articulate and document the shared purpose of their collaboration. Using Vision in Formation: Articulating Your Community's Purpose, a facilitator can guide the initial members of a new community or network through this process with structured activities and templates.
About the Community Cultivation Resource Library
Empowering collaborative communities to create, share, and preserve knowledge has been central to Educopia's mission since 2006. In our own work, we have been grateful for resources like the Community Tool Box, Blue Avocado, Collective Impact Forum, and The Good Collaboration Toolkit. These libraries have long provided free models and materials to community networks, and we believe they have had a dramatic impact across the nonprofit field.
The Community Cultivation Resource Library first launched in 2018, with the release of Community Cultivation - A Field Guide. This growing library of resources is our way to give forward to the networks and communities in our field. Each element is grounded in work undertaken with dozens of clients, partners, and affiliates to build robust, active networks that fully embody the values and principles of their members.
Additional facilitator's guides and resources are scheduled for future release at
With many thanks, and best wishes,
Caitlin (on behalf of the Educopia staff)
Caitlin Perry
Communications Coordinator