ALA Council

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  • 1.  Transforming ALA Governance (TAG) - an update

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 09:49 AM

    Greetings Council!   

    This is a brief update to share the outcomes of the Council vote to create a plan to move forward on the SCOE/Forward Together work and organizational governance and systems change.

    Transforming ALA Governance (TAG) Task Force was created and approved by the ALA Executive Board with the following charge:

    The charge of this task force is to a) indicate and operationalize the culture changing principles of the Avenue M report, SCOE recommendations, the Forward Together work, and a new governance landscape, b) establish a regular governance review process, and c) assess the larger governance change-management projects and tasks that need to be addressed and create a plan to address them.

    The following members were selected by the President and President-Elect and approved by the ALA Executive Board:

    Chair:  Amy Lappin


    Kathy Carroll

    Meg Delaney

    Eldon "Ray" James

    Liana Juliano

    Oscar Lanza-Galindo

    Leroy LaFleur


    The members represent Council and a number of other ALA arenas, geographic areas and types of libraries as well as diversity in a broad sense.

    The team has just started working.  A number of ALA staff will be supporting and partnering in this work. They include Marsha Burgess, Raymond Garcia and Sheryl Reyes.  The Executive Board liaisons are Lessa Pelayo-Lozada and myself and Tracie Hall.

     Thank you to Chair Lappin and her team.  We look forward to the work ahead and regular communication.




    Patty Wong
    President, American Library Association
    personal cell (530) 848-8768
    personal email:

  • 2.  RE: Transforming ALA Governance (TAG) - an update

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 05:20 PM
    In search of clarity, could you please define "indicate and operationalize the culture changing principles"? Does that just mean that this group will indicate how the work to date would be operationalized if approved? Or something else more in the direction of beginning the process of making things happen without further discussion. 

    thanks for helping me understand.

    Dorcas Hand
    Co-Chair, Ecosystem Subcommittee of COLA (2020- )
    Chair, Ecosystem Task Group of COLA (2018-2020)
    Member, Freedom to Read Foundation Board
    TXLA Chapter Councilor 2021-23
    School Library Advocate
    Houston TX

  • 3.  RE: Transforming ALA Governance (TAG) - an update

    Posted Aug 31, 2021 01:23 PM
    Hello Dorcas,

    Thank you for your question. To clarify, the task force is not charged with making final decisions. We are looking at how the work to date can be operationalized to move us further toward a workable governance model. We plan to communicate often with both Council and membership throughout the process.


    Amy Lappin
    Transforming ALA Governance Task Force, Chair

    Deputy Director
    Lebanon Public Libraries
    Lebanon, NH 03766

    NH Library Association Immediate Past President, 2021
    ALA Councilor-at-Large, 2020-2022

  • 4.  RE: Transforming ALA Governance (TAG) - an update

    Posted Aug 31, 2021 02:49 PM

    Thank you. I just found the verbiage jargony and unclear – but if you all know what it means and can make it work for us all, thank you in advance for taking on a huge job under pressure.
