Hi Stephanie,
This is an excellent idea that I think would be of huge help to the state and local pushes that are happening.
The Illinois Library Association released a support statement for vaccine eligibility for library staff. This link includes the letter that was prepared for state and local authorites:
https://www.ila.org/news/1293/ila-supports-vaccine-eligibility-for-library-staffPerhaps ALA could prepare a similar statement and sample letters for federal agencies like the CDC?
Monica Harris
Councilor at Large
Associate Executive Director
Reaching Across Illinois Library System
Monica Harris
Associate Executive Director
Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS)
Original Message:
Sent: Jan 23, 2021 12:07 PM
From: Stephanie Chase
Subject: Resolution on vaccination priority?
Fellow Councilors,
I'm not a resolution writer -- though count on me for a second! -- and I am wondering if any Councilor or group of Councilors is working on a resolution asking ALA to take action in prioritizing library workers in getting access to the COVID vaccine.
This was a discussion at our PLA Board meeting yesterday, and it came up this morning in the member meeting as well. It feels like a whereas could certainly refer to the CDC moving library workers in to priority group 1c, resolve clauses could include requesting ALA to make a statement referring to this inclusion as well as advocating library workers be included in the education group of priority 1B and encouraging state chapters to work together to share resources and success stories in re-prioritizing library workers. Having a statement from ALA, I imagine, could be useful to everyone advocating at a state/local level, where ALA has emphasized they hope such advocacy will happen.
Stephanie Chase
PLA Division Councilor
Principal, Constructive Disruption
Executive Director, Libraries of Eastern Oregon