Many, many thanks to the ALA IFC for the work you've all invested in creating the drafts of the EDI and the Politics in Libraries interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights.
One general comment I'd like to make for both documents--I am heartened to see that the concept of libraries-as-neutral-spaces has been, somewhat, addressed. However, I still find both documents to be misleading. One comes away with the impression that all opinions, viewpoints, and perspectives are somehow equivalent and on equal footing. And we, as librarians and managers of library spaces, programs, and collections, ought to keep this equivalency in mind.
Perhaps the choice to not point to the power imbalances in society is one of prudent policy. But my understanding, and those of many others, of inequality and marginalization is rooted in the unequivalent, unequal value placed on certain bodies, views, and perspectives. Without addressing this issue of unequal power, we are still advocating for a neutral position. Is this what we are trying to say?