Sent on behalf of Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada, ALA President-Elect & Chair, Council Committee on Committees:
Dear ALA Councilors,
The 2021-2022 ALA Council's Committee on Committees (COC) will soon begin its task of determining Council nominees to run for the 2022-2023 Committee on Committees (COC) and the 2022-2024 ALA Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA).
The COC and PBA "job descriptions" are attached. These elections will occur during the 2022 Annual Conference Council meetings.
The 2021-2022 COC is tasked to:
- Slate eight (8) Councilors, 4 to be elected for 1-year terms (2022-2023) to the COC
- Slate six (6) Councilors-ta-large, 3 to be elected for 2-year terms (2022-2024) on the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA)
- Slate four (4) Chapter Councilors, 2 to be elected for 2-year terms (2022-2024) on the ALA Planning and Budget Assembly (PBA)
Note: To be eligible to stand for COC election, candidates must have Council terms extending until at least 2023. To be eligible to stand for PBA election, candidates must have Council terms extending until at least 2024. Please note that additional nominations for Councilors to COC or PBA can be made from the Council Floor at the 2022 Annual Conference.
Please use the following survey link to submit self-nominations no later than 5 pm CT on Monday, May 16, 2022:
The members of the current 2021-2022 Committee on Committees (COC) are: Oscar Baeza, Regina Beard, KC Boyd, and Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada
We look forward to hearing from you! Please reach out to Holly Robison at in the ALA Governance office with any questions.
Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada
ALA President-Elect & Chair, Council Committee on Committees
Holly Robison
Governance Associate
American Library Association