The ACRL Virtual World Interest Group is presenting a panel on MOOCs (massively open online courses) and the impact of the MOOC on higher education and libraries. Feel free to share this invitation with interested individuals and groups. The panel will take place in the virtual world of Second Life.
EVENT: MOOCs and Librarians (a panel presentation)
When: Sunday, Feb. 17th from 12 noon to 1 pm SLT (Pacific Time USA)
Where: ACRL meeting space on Info Island
Valerie Hill, PhD - (Valibrarian Gregg in SL) LISD Library Media Specialist, Adjunct Instructor, TWU School of Library and Information Studies
Ilene- Frank, MLS (Ilene Pratt in SL) Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Maryland University College
Michelle Keba, MS in Information Science- (librarianatadistance in SL) Distance and Instructional Services Librarian, Nova Southeastern University
George Djorgovski, (Curious George in SL) Professor of Astonomy, Caltech