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Executive Director Education Requirements (updated to correct typo in title)

  • 1.  Executive Director Education Requirements (updated to correct typo in title)

    Posted Nov 20, 2017 03:03 PM

    From Jim Neal:

    Council Colleagues, thanks to everyone who participated in the Connect discussion and voted in the poll on the resolution concerning the executive director educational requirements. 

    Please find below the verification from Eli Mina of the results of the Council ballot on the resolution. Please note that two individuals submitted their “no” votes orally and not on Connect. Lois Ann will send out a follow up message explaining the total number of 180 for Councilors eligible to vote. Jim. 


    Thank you Lois Ann for submitting the poll numbers for verification.  Below is my verification.

    Quorum requirement:

    As per ALA Bylaws, the quorum requirement for the poll was 50% of the voting membership of Council. 

    Council currently has 180 voting members in office, and 50% of this number is 90 Council members. 

    A total of 151 of 180 Council members participated in the poll, making 83.889% of the voting membership of Council, substantially above the 50% mark. 

    Therefore, the quorum requirement for the poll was met.


    Voting threshold:

    As per ALA Bylaws: To be adopted, the proposal required a 75% majority vote (75% of the total number of the votes cast, excluding abstentions).

    The total number of votes cast in the affirmative (115) plus the total number of votes cast in the negative (34) was 149.

    The number of positive votes (115) divided by the total number of votes cast, excluding abstentions (149) is 0.7718

    This means that the percentage of votes in the affirmative exceeded the required 75% threshold.

    Therefore, the motion was duly adopted by Council by 77.18% of the total votes cast, excluding abstentions.


    Please let me know whether you require any further input.


    Eli Mina, Board Effectiveness Consultant &
    Registered Parliamentarian
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