ALA Council

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Better internet access?

  • 1.  Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 01:55 PM
    Hello fellow Councilors,

    I'm just putting this out there since I hadn't heard. I'm sure I am not the only one that makes use of cloud storage to access Council documents during our sessions. The paper texts had been a safety net and I had found I had to make ample use of them this Annual conference. I hope this is something that is getting looked at in preparation for next conference.


    Melissa Cardenas-Dow
    Sacramento State University

  • 2.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 02:10 PM
    Melissa I’m so with you. During Council I was toggling back and forth between ALA and convention center free WiFi. It was distracting because it took ages to pull up docs. Hope Seattle is better (you’d think, but...).

    Karen S.

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 3.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 02:13 PM
    I agree, I tried 3 times and finally gave up & used the paper versions! At least I could recycle them.
    Liz Philippi 

  • 4.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 02:22 PM
    I think it might have been stronger in different parts of the room. 

    Christine Lind Hage, Director, 
    Rochester Hills Public Library

    Raising a reader is: Talking * Singing * Reading * writing *  Playing 

  • 5.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 04:41 PM
    I agree. I tried numerous times and got messages that the server wasn't responding. Paper copies for the agendas and key documents might be necessary depending on the room's access. 

  • 6.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 27, 2018 09:19 AM
    Wearing two hats, ALA Councilor and member of the task force on sustainability -

    The internet connections need to be stronger throughout the conference footprint - esp if we wish people to be more sustainable.

    And I followed Lois Ann's suggestion to download all documents onto my desktop - and I had no problem accessing the documents - (albeit my desktop is a very scary place).


    Sara Dallas
    Southern Adirondack Lib System

  • 7.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 27, 2018 03:17 PM
    Is there a way to batch download or have zip-file of the council documents for download?
    I would prefer that to downloading them one by one from different email messages.
    I was actually able to access them over the wifi for the most part, but downloading them ahead of time would allow me to organize them beforehand.


    LeRoy LaFleur
    Associate Director of Library Services
    Ginn Library-Tufts University

  • 8.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 27, 2018 03:30 PM
    Whenever Lois Ann sends the "COUNCIL DOCUMENTS - BATCH#_" emails you can click through to Connect and then click the "Download All" button. You get a folder with all of the most up-to-date documents.

    For example: ALA Council Documents (Public) - ALA

    Ben Hunter
    Interim Dean, University Libraries
    University of Idaho

  • 9.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 02:30 PM
    I second this. I had a difficult time getting the page up on my iPads (which i believe is much more efficient than downloading all of them from Lois' emails).  I saw people around me checking their settings, so I believe I was not alone. I accessed them over my iPhone which was using data (I shut WiFi off). Then I was repeatedly thrown off. 

    I'd like to go paperless but you couldn't depend on it in NOLA.

    Charlotte Canelli
    Chapter Councilor Massachusetts
    Morrill Memorial Library

  • 10.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 26, 2018 04:49 PM
    It was not just felt in the Council room. The Wi-Fi was spotty during this conference. Is there/was there an I.T./Tech Support that would have been able to address this during conference? It would help if we knew to report this concern to a specific email (like or ALA Staff.

    Thank you,

    Johana Orellana
    Adult Services Librarian
    North Richland Hills Library

  • 11.  RE: Better internet access?

    Posted Jun 27, 2018 12:21 PM
    I don't have a device that allows me to read the documents online, so I've relied on the paper versions.  I was disappointed to come to Council sessions and see that all the paper copies had been taken before I could get any.  At least now I understand why my usual practice didn't work for this conference -- I wasn't aware that the wifi was bad in the council meeting space since I don't use wifi there.  Had I known that ahead of time, I could have printed off all the documents and brought them with me.

    Sandra Barstow
    Head of Collection Development
    University of Wyoming Libraries