Core MARC Formats Transition Interest Group

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MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting ALA Annual 2010

  • 1.  MARC Formats Interest Group Meeting ALA Annual 2010

    Posted May 26, 2010 01:31 PM

    The MARC Formats Interest Group (LITA/ALCTS) will meet as follows:

    Saturday, June 26, 2010

    4:00-5:30 PM

    Hilton Washington Kalorama Room

    Topic:  MARC + RDA = ?

    How Have the MARC 21 Formats be Adapted to Accommodate RDA and How Is This Being Implemented?

    Richard Greene, OCLC, will talk about OCLC's recent implementation of MARC 21 format changes to accommodate RDA and support the RDA testing coordinated by the U.S. National Libraries.

    Rebecca Guenther, Library of Congress, will discuss the MARC 21 format changes to accommodate RDA and how they have been implemented in LC's Voyager Integrated Library System.

    [Note: This meeting will be a PPFZ (Power Point Free Zone).]

    Topic 2: Is There Still Interest in a MARC 21 Formats Interest Group?

    If so, we need someone to volunteer to be Chair.  All you need is the willingness to do it and to be a member of ALCTS or LITA.   If you can't wait until ALA to volunteer, please contact Gene Dickerson (

    Please join us for this interest group meeting.

    Gene Dickerson

    Lead Librarian for Cataloging

    Ralph J. Bunche Library

    U.S. Dept. of State

    2201 C Street NW, Rm. 3239


    Washington, DC 20520

    (202) 647-2191 (voice)