ALA Council

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Reminder #2: Resolutions for the 2021 Virtual Midwinter Council Meetings

  • 1.  Reminder #2: Resolutions for the 2021 Virtual Midwinter Council Meetings

    Posted Jan 12, 2021 01:13 AM
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    Dear fellow Councilors,


    The Council meetings for the ALA 2021 Midwinter meetings are only two weeks away, so I thought I'd resend the message  sent out a few weeks ago as a reminder to send in your resolutions now or in the not too distant future. Thanks to those of you who have already submitted resolutions for the January 24-26Council sessions. The deadline for resolutions has been set as 48 hours prior to the calling to order of a Council meeting, in other words final or mostly final versions of resolutions are due Friday through Sunday, January 22-24 depending for which Council session agenda you intend them.


    Therefore, to summarize and remind you:

    Attached are Guidelines for preparing and submitting Resolutions, Memorials, and Tributes to come before the ALA Virtual Council Meetings on Sunday, January 24th (Council I), Monday, January 25 (Council II), and Tuesday, January 26th (Council III).  Any councilor, with seconder, may offer a resolution for consideration at the Virtual Council Meeting provided the resolution has been reviewed by the ALA Resolutions Committee.  All resolutions must be received by the ALA Resolutions Committee at  at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the calling of a virtual meeting to order.  This deadline ensures that final resolutions will be posted by the Council Secretariat (Marsha Burgess  within twenty-four (24) hours of the calling of a virtual meeting to order.


    When preparing a resolution for submission to the Resolutions Committee for consideration, please also fill out the Resolution e-Form available  at  Although in some cases some components of the e-form may not be applicable, please try to be as complete as possible. Any information you provide will help to expedite the resolution process.


    To allow other Councilors time to consider your resolution, please post your proposed resolution as a "Document" to the Council list, and


    Questions and concerns about Resolutions, Memorials and Tributes can be addressed to Mike Marlin, chair, Resolutions Committee, via or directly to  The Resolutions Committee will review all moved and seconded resolutions and may suggest changes to the form and language of a Resolution, Memorial or Tribute for clarity and to assist the body in its consideration. 


    Special Announcement :

    Year-long Submission of ALA Resolutions


    Resolutions intended for either ALA Council or ALA Membership Meetings may be submitted to the ALA Resolutions Committee ( throughout the calendar year. Upon their satisfactory review and any ensuing communication necessitated by questions or clarifications from the committee, those resolutions will be inventoried and placed in queue  for posting to the agenda of the next respective Council or Membership meeting.


    For more detailed information regarding how to prepare resolutions, please visit: 


    For more information about the 2021 Virtual Council Meetings:



    Mike Marlin

    Chair, ALA Resolutions Committee


    Mike L.  Marlin

    Director, California Braille and Talking Book Library

    Sacramento, CA

    ALA Councilor at Large

    ALA Representative to IFLA Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities Standing Committee

    Work Email:

    Tel:(916) 603-7209

    Personal Email:

    Mobile: (916) 243-9778