Dear Members,
Midwinter is quickly approaching and the Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness is looking forward to a continuation of our conversations to help move ALA Forward Together. We offer the following questions as a way to help focus a productive discussion. SCOE would like to use the opportunity at Midwinter to discuss how we can continue moving forward together, what information and processes we want additional groups to gather and identify, and how your group will change over the next few years, tied to Forward Together or through your own identified strategic plans.
- What changes have you seen within the organization (or your particular area of the organization) within the last year?
- What have you learned, or do you hope to learn from those changes?
- How do these changes or needs for change align with Forward Together?
- What are two or three strategies to create effective, lasting, and positive change in ALA? What are some tools we can use with these strategies?
Please visit our microsite for all things related to Forward Together. We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia later this month. Please let us know if you have any questions.
The events area of our Connect space has been updated to include the questions above.
Raymond A. Garcia
Special Assistant to the Executive Director | Executive Office
American Library Association