May I share these documents with Texas Library Assn Leadership in my report due soon? Or are these internal only as yet? thanks for keeping me straight - this is muddy territory from my point of view.
Dorcas Hand
Co-Chair, Ecosystem Subcommittee of COLA (2020- )
Chair, Ecosystem Task Group of COLA (2018-2020)
Member, Freedom to Read Foundation Board
TXLA Chapter Councilor 2021-23
School Library Advocate
Houston TX
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 29, 2021 04:11 PM
From: Raymond Garcia
Subject: Update from TAG Task Force
Hello Everyone,
We know that this space hasn't been very active as much of the work of Forward Together during the last year or so has been conducted within the ALA Council through various working groups and task forces. However there are a few updates to share from the Transforming ALA Governance Task Force. You can learn more about the task force here:
Below are links to the an introductory narrative and the draft governance models.
Initial Narrative for Council with FAQs
TAG Models for Council
Thank you for your continued interest and dedication to ALA.
Raymond A. Garcia
Special Assistant to the Executive Director | Executive Office
American Library Association