Please join us for the 2014 ALA Annual meeting of the:
ALCTS CaMMS/MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group
ALA Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV
When: Sunday, June 29, 2014, 8:30 am to 10:00 am (PST)
Location: Las Vegas Convention Center, Room N234
Discussion topics will include:
- MAGIRT RDA Best Practices draft documentation
- Usefulness of crowdsourced metadata
discussion based on current American Libraries issue article:
Metadata for Image Collections by Eddie Woodward
American Libraries, June 2014 p. 42-44
There should be plenty of time for other discussion, so please feel free to bring other cartographic resources cataloging topics of interest and we will cover them as time permits. As usual, notes from the session will be shared widely after the meeting.
The Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group meeting is an open discussion session for addressing topics of interest to the cartographic and geospatial resources cataloging community. All Conference attendees are welcome to join and participate.
I hope to see many of you in Las Vegas!
Coordinator, ALCTS CaMMS/MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group
ALA Connect Community page:
ALCTS CaMMS/MAGIRT Cartographic Resources Cataloging Interest Group:
Marc McGee