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What's Happening - 2015 ALA Annual Conference

  • 1.  What's Happening - 2015 ALA Annual Conference

    Posted Jun 20, 2015 12:47 PM
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    Here is the 2015 Annual Conference "What's Happening," put together with contributions from staff all across ALA.  It is an informal and personal guide to the conference -- not definitive or complete, so you'll still want to consult the Scheduler and Program & Exhibits Directory.  It does include some information that is not in those other sources, like pre-registration and membership numbers.

    The document is 28 pages -- so you may not want to print.  The last two pages include lots of phone numbers -- pharmacies, hotels, etc. -- just in case you do want to print those to have with you.

    See you all soon.  Safe travels to all.




    AC2015-FINAL_0.pdf   658 KB 1 version