ALA Council

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  • 1.  Executive Director Search

    Posted Dec 22, 2017 08:23 AM
    Posting on behalf of Jim Neal --


    Council Colleagues:

    In November, Council voted, in accordance with the ALA Bylaws, to change the educational requirement for the ALA Executive Director position from requiring to preferring an ALA-accredited Master’s degree or CAEP-accredited Master’s degree with a specialty in School Library Media.  

    Following the announcement of the vote, a petition was posted to put a measure on ALA’s spring 2018 ballot to overturn the Council action. In order to place the measure on the spring 2018 ballot, 1% of ALA’s voting membership must sign the petition.  The petition closes on February 13 and requires  479 signatures based on the August 31, 2017 membership count. As of December 19, 2017, the required number of signatures had been received.    

    To overturn a Council action, 25% (approximately 11,975) of ALA’s voting membership must vote; a simple majority of those voting then determines the outcome. For purposes of determining the 25%, paid membership as of January 31, 2018 will be used.  Note that ALA’s “voting membership” includes those who are members in good standing, i.e., have paid their dues by January 31, 2018. The ballot opens on Monday, March 12 and closes Wednesday, April 4. Results will be announced on Wednesday, April 11.

    At this time, the ALA Executive Board has made a decision to place the search on hold pending the outcome of the spring 2018 vote process.  Because of this, the job ad has been removed from the ALA and the Isaacson Miller (search firm) web sites.  The Board’s concern, given the somewhat uncharted territory, was to ensure due process.  The earliest the search would begin again would be May 2018. Mary Ghikas continues to serve as Interim Executive Director.

     A full report on the work of the search committee, on the search process, and on the member process to determine the educational requirements for the executive director position will be provided at the Council/Membership Information Session at Midwinter in Denver.                                                      

    With best wishes for the new year, Jim Neal.

  • 2.  RE: Executive Director Search

    Posted Dec 22, 2017 12:25 PM

    NEVER MIND - I re-read Jim's note and realize it is a MEMBERSHIP vote rather than a Council vote this time. Apologies.

    I just have to ask why this vote will be taken online rather than at the meetings during MidWinter in Denver. I will vote either way, but it seems that voting online slows the process even further at a time when voting sooner could have benefits.

    Dorcas Hand 
    School Library Advocate

  • 3.  RE: Executive Director Search

    Posted Dec 22, 2017 01:00 PM
    Dorcas, the ballot on the educational requirements  
    for the executive director position will be an all 
    member vote, and not a vote of Council. Therefore, 
    it will be part of the ballot for the election of the 
    various ALA officers, and any by-laws changes. Jim. 

    Sent from my iPhone

    On Dec 22, 2017, at 1:26 PM, ALA Connect <> wrote:

  • 4.  RE: Executive Director Search

    Posted Dec 22, 2017 01:45 PM
    Several individuals have contacted me to ask 
    questions about the delay until May of the ED 
    search process. It would be inappropriate to 
    proceed with the search as members vote on 
    the educational requirements. And there is also 
    concern whether candidates would step forward 
    under these conditions. This decision of the 
    Executive Board is respectful of the governance 
    process, and it is respectful of prospective 
    candidates. It also provides time to assess the 
    job announcement and the search process. Jim. 
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Dec 22, 2017, at 9:26 AM, ALA Connect <> wrote:

  • 5.  RE: Executive Director Search

    Posted Jan 02, 2018 09:18 AM

    Where is the Executive Director job description posted?