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[alacoun] ​​ALA Financial Planning: 2020 and Beyond

  • 1.  [alacoun] ​​ALA Financial Planning: 2020 and Beyond

    Posted Jan 29, 2020 12:15 PM
    Many thanks for getting this discussion started, Susan!  

    A bunch of us were talking about this on the way home. I think our constitution/bylaws state that we must meet at annual and midwinter, but there is nothing stopping us from significantly reducing our physical footprint. The huge rooms with many microphones are not conducive to conversation and sharing, and they are so expensive. What if we meet in a smaller room with one screen for transcription and one screen for powerpoints, two microphones, one podium, one teleprompter?  What if we did table rounds? (Maybe those would take too much space? Maybe some other configuration rather than classroom style?) I know we have 160+ councilors and guests, plus the governance table, but perhaps we could cut our space and AV by at least 1/3 if not more. 

    Karen E. Downing, Ph.D., M.I.L.S.
    Education Librarian
    209 Hatcher Graduate Library
    University of Michigan
    Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1190
    Pronouns: she/her

    "Libraries are about truth, evidence and memory." --Elaine Westbrooks, 2019

    On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 12:33 PM "Susan L. Jennings" <> wrote:

    Dear Colleagues:


    I hope everyone had (and is having) smooth and safe travels back home after a hectic and stressful MW Conference!  Before I forget this... I wanted to propose a change in how Council operates for Midwinter.   I floated this idea out on Twitter but would like to propose it here.  As an association, I think it will take ALL of us working together to make a difference to not only trim costs of our expensive footprint,  but also to be more conscious of the environmental impact of our meetings.


    I know Midwinter is going to undergo a shift after the 2021 MW Conference in Indianapolis but I was wondering... what IF we (Council) didn't meet face – to – face at MW 2021 (and Midwinters beyond, should Council still exist)? 


    I would propose that we meet monthly via Zoom (or some other electronic way) instead of a F-t-f at Midwinter to discuss issues/resolutions so they don't all pile up.  These meetings could also be recorded for Councilors that can't attend so that they might weigh in on the issues via the Council/Connect groups and vote electronically (like we did EB elections).  Recording these sessions could go a long way for transparency for our members who may not otherwise be able to sit in on Council meetings.


    I see the benefits of this being:


    ·       A reduction in conference cost to support the work of Council.

    ·       A reduction in our environmental impact.

    ·       Addressing issues/passing resolutions in "real time" and in a more timely manner than twice a year.

    ·       Providing more "real-time" information from our board and administration.

    ·       A streamlining of debating/passing resolutions, etc. throughout the year rather letting them pile up.

    ·       A cost savings to Councilors by only having to attend in person once a year unless they would like to attend the conference for professional development/enrichment/work of committees.


    I DO think it is beneficial to meet face-to-face as a body and would still support meeting at Annual Conference.  I just think that in this time of economic crisis, we all need to balance our responsibilities as councilors with alternative solutions to accomplish the same work.


    For what it is worth!

    Susan Jennings

    TN Chapter Councilor