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Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

  • 1.  Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 12:17 AM
    I just submitted to the Resolutions committee the following resolution:

    Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention


    Whereas, ALA passed a resolution on Improving Access to Spanish, Bilingual, and Books in Various Language for Children in Detention Centers1; and

    Whereas, ALA passed a resolution in 2018 denouncing the separation of migrant children from their parents2; and

    Whereas, ALA asserts a compelling public interest in the preservation of intellectual freedom for individuals of any age held in jails, prisons, detention facilities, juvenile facilities, immigration facilities, prison work camps, and segregated units within any facility, whether public or private3; and

    Whereas, Conditions in family and child detention centers are substandard and not adequate for the care of children including limited access to education, recreation, healthcare, and basic requirements for health, warmth, and personal sanitation4; and

    Whereas, Many historians, policy makers, and public figures have begun to use the term "concentration camps" to describe these locations5; and

    Whereas, Storytime has a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of refugee children6; now, therefore, be it


    Resolved, that the American Library Association

    Denounces the current deplorable conditions in family and youth detention centers;

    Denounces the removal of educational and recreational programming from youth detention centers;

    Strongly encourages libraries and librarians to provide services to migrant families and adjust policies where necessary to make that possible, including requirements for documentation and official paperwork in the interest of opening and expediting access for these populations;

    Strongly encourages libraries to perform outreach and provide access to materials for both education and entertainment in a variety of formats and media in as many languages as possible as appropriate for the populations being served;

    Calls for the reestablishment of educational and recreational programming in youth detention centers.


    1.       2015-2016 ALA CD#38_Revised-2_63015_FINAL

    2.       2017-2018 ALA CD#20.3_7618

    3.       "Prisoners' Right to Read: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights", American Library Association, August 20, 2010.

    4.       "Lawyers Say Migrant Children Are Living in 'Traumatic and Dangerous' Conditions at Border Detention Site Time Magazine BY CEDAR ATTANASIO, GARANCE BURKE AND MARTHA MENDOZA / AP UPDATED: JUNE 21, 2019 8:55 PM ET | ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: JUNE 20, 2019

    5.       "An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That's Exactly What the US Is Running at the Border" by Jack Holmes Esquire Magazine June 13, 2019

    6.       "For Refugees Storytime Helps Heal Trauma" Rachel Chernasky New York Times April 17, 2019.

    Jules Shore

  • 2.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 05:25 AM
    I support this resolution.  As we are looking at many IF documents, (including policy statements),  over the next two days, this is an example of putting our words into action.
     Thank you, Jules

    Sara Dallas

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  • 3.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 06:03 AM
    Hi Jules, 

    If you're looking for seconders/responders, I am happy to be counted as such, and in the meantime, many thanks for your work!

    All the best, Louis Muñoz, Councilor-At-Large

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 4.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 06:14 AM
    Thank you.
    I'm not going to be at forum tonight, so I wanted to give folks an opportunity to read now and to comment after this morning's council.

    Also, this was a team effort, I'm just the local member who will be present for Council III.


  • 5.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:30 AM
    Thanks for working on this Jules! I support this resolution with Emily's recommendations.

    Eboni Henry
    School Media Specialist
    DC Public schools

  • 6.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 07:38 AM
    Thanks to Jules and the team who pulled this resolution together!

    I can't attend Forum tonight but had one suggestion: As it reads, the resolution "Denounces the current deplorable conditions in family and youth detention centers." Could we revise to denounce the existence of family and youth detention centers? I don't think we would support these camps on the border even if they had better access to library materials, right? 

    Emily Drabinski

    Emily Drabinski
    Critical Pedagogy Librarian
    the Graduate Center, CUNY

  • 7.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 07:43 AM

    I echo Emily's enthusiasm about this proposal, and her suggestion to denounce the existence of these centers.

    Again, thank all of you who are working on this, I'm really happy to see this!


    Jessica Schomberg, Councilor-at-Large

  • 8.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 07:45 AM
    Emily, I can't agree with you more on this.  Thank you for raising this point.


    Peter Hepburn
    Head Librarian
    College of the Canyons

  • 9.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:43 AM

    Emily, i agree. If I could make a suggestion, perhaps the sentence should include BOTH thoughts, and thus read something like "Denounces the existence of family and youth detention centers and current deplorable conditions there..." 

    Thanks again, Louis Muñoz

    P.S. Might just be a quibble, actually, it probably is, but I'm wondering if "ongoing" or something akin to that might work better than "current deplorable conditions"? 

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 10.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:46 AM
    The edit that has been made includes both thoughts. Both are certainly worth denouncing.

    Emily Clasper
    Director of Service Strategies
    University of Rochester River Campus Libraries

  • 11.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 07:48 AM
    Jules, thank you sincerely for this work. I support this resolution.

    Melody Scagnelli-Townley
    Training & Digital Initiatives Librarian

  • 12.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 07:58 AM
    thanks for this, Jules!  And I agree with Emily's proposed revision too!

    -Erin Stalberg
    ALCTS Division Councilor

  • 13.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:04 AM
    Great point, Emily. Thanks, Jules and all who worked on this resolution. I support both Emily's suggested revision and this resolution.

    Melissa Cardenas-Dow, MLIS, MS
    American Library Association, Councilor-At-Large, 2016-2022
    phone: 909-793-2030
    Google Hangout: melissa.cardenasdow
    Twitter: @micdow
    MiscEtcetera blog:

    "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." -- attributed to Ian Maclaren

  • 14.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:18 AM
    Thank you, Emily.

    The writing group has discussed it and we're adding your wording as the first resolved with the rest as it stands.


  • 15.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:37 AM
    Thank you for your work and advocacy on this critical issue.

    Rivkah Sass
    Library Director
    Sacramento Public Library

  • 16.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:41 AM
    Concur, this is a resolution that reflects our core values. Thanks to Jules and others for their work on this resolution.

    Karen G. Schneider

  • 17.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 08:46 AM
    Thanks to Jules and Emily and others for strong work - This is an ALA wide effort - I don't want to hold this up but hope for support and engagement with all of our ethnic professional associations especially REFORMA and our Youth Serving Divisions, esp. ALSC, in word and deed as with the first resolution.

    Patricia Wong
    City Librarian/Director of Library Services
    Santa Monica Public Library

  • 18.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:39 AM
    Thanks to everyone for the support and recommendations. As this is a rapidly developing issue, the resolution was written somewhat quickly and with more informal input from both individuals and division representatives. We are working to get more formal support for this resolution, as well as additional feedback that can be incorporated to make this as strong and effective a statement as possible. Please share with your networks and colleagues... I have faith that we can get all the necessary input on this by taking advantage of the fact that we are all together right now, as well as by using the technology we have available to us.


    Emily Clasper
    Director of Service Strategies
    University of Rochester River Campus Libraries

  • 19.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:45 AM
    Thank you to Jules, Emily and everyone who worked on this resolution. This is very important to our work and core values. If you are still looking for additional seconders please add me to the list.


    Ed Garcia
    ALA Executive Board

  • 20.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:46 AM
    ​This is awesome! I do volunteer work with many of these children back home in El Paso Texas and much of the language found on this resolution is exactly what is needed to bring more awareness to this crises.

    Thank You

    Oscar Baeza
    ALA Council at large

    Oscar Baeza
    ALA Council At Large
    Head Librarian Associate Professor
    El Paso Community College

  • 21.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:54 AM
    Please also add me as a seconder.  Thank you so much for doing this!

    Elissia Buell
    Children's Services Librarian
    LA County Library

  • 22.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:51 AM
    ​Also, just an FYI...

    Their is a Librarians Protest on Immigrant Prison Camps today June 24th from 5pm - 7pm at the White House!


    Oscar Baeza
    ALA Councilor at large

    Oscar Baeza
    ALA Council At Large
    Head Librarian Associate Professor
    El Paso Community College

  • 23.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 10:17 AM
    I wholeheartedly support the initial resolution (as originally proposed) and appreciate the inclusion of references to existing ALA policy which should enable it to move forward with (I'm thinking) minimal debate. 

    That said, the immediate reaction to broaden the resolution (to essentially denounce all detention centers*) is a MUCH larger discussion; opening up that debate may well detract from your original intended purpose of the resolution and reduce its chance of passing. (* If ALA is already on record for this broader concept PLEASE cite the precedents as I've not taken the time to research it.)

    In reverting to the original language we would act within the concepts most directly related to the work of ALA and the professional work of our members, where our authority/expertise on the topic is recognized. Far more likely to pass at this conference, IMHO.

    Thank you for your consideration.
    Linda Kopecky
    Councilor at Large (2021)

    Linda Kopecky
    Head, Research Services
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries

  • 24.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 10:22 AM


    I can understand some of your hesitation on the revision; however, I believe the suggested revision only denounces family and youth detention centers, NOT all detention centers? Please correct me If I am getting this wrong.




    Pamela N. Martin

    Reference Librarian

    Outreach & Peer Learning Coordinator

    Merrill-Cazier Library

    Utah State University

    3000 Old Main Hill

    Logan, UT 84322





  • 25.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 10:33 AM
    Correct, we are denouncing family and children detention centers. The precedent is in the second reference where we resolved, in part,
    4. Requests that the U.S. government honor the UN General Assembly resolution 429(V) of December 14, 1950, regarding the legal status of refugees; and 

    That UN resolution speaks against separating family members or making each member qualify separately for asylum.


  • 26.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 10:57 AM
    Since this is a federal and state issue and an international issue, should we refer it.  Or did you pass it by them already?

  • 27.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 11:08 AM
    There's nothing new on a legislative basis. We're reminding folks of resolutions we've already passed.

    This started from Reforma and Children in Crisis. We're talking with other groups that have a stake too. This is a diverse team that have all worked from their strengths and within their  networks. We got this. 


  • 28.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 11:40 AM

    Thank you so much for this necessary resolution. Today the executive board of REFORMA National voted to fully endorse this resolution in conjunction with the Children in Crisis Task Force that has been working toward this effort since 2014.

    David Lopez
    Western Region Chapter Representative - REFORMA National

    David Lopez
    Senior Librarian
    Santa Ana Public Library

  • 29.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 03:29 PM
    Thank you to everyone who has worked on this!  I support this and would like to second it.

    Mel Gooch
    Councilor at Large

    Mel Gooch
    Main Library, 5th Floor Manager
    San Francisco Public Library

  • 30.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 04:21 PM
    Fresh off the committee table, here is the final version...

    Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention at Migrant Detention Centers

    Whereas, Article V of the Library Bill of Rights states that "A person's right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views";

    Whereas, ALA passed a resolution on Improving Access to Spanish, Bilingual, and Books in Various Language for Children in Detention Centers

    Whereas, ALA passed a resolution in 2018 denouncing the separation of migrant children from their parents

    Whereas, ALA asserts a compelling public interest in the preservation of intellectual freedom for individuals of any age held in jails, prisons, detention facilities, juvenile facilities, immigration facilities, prison work camps, and segregated units within any facility, whether public or private

    Whereas, Conditions in family and child detention centers are substandard and not adequate for the care of children including limited access to education, recreation, healthcare, and basic requirements for health, warmth, and personal sanitation

    Whereas, unclear, inconsistent, or unnecessarily stringent library policies regarding documentation of identity and home address can present barriers to providing library accounts to detained or migrant populations;

    Whereas, Many historians, policy makers, and public figures have begun to use the term "concentration camps" to describe these locations;

    Whereas, Storytime has a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of refugee children, reducing instances of toxic stress; now, therefore, be it

    Resolved, that the American Library Association 

    1. Denounces the existence of family and youth detention centers;

    2. Denounces the ongoing deplorable conditions in family and youth detention centers; 

    3. Denounces the removal of educational and recreational programming, such as storytimes, from youth detention centers and calls for the reestablishment of these programs; 

    4. Urges libraries with detention centers in or near their service areas to reach out to and work with local authorities, schools, and governmental support agencies; 

    5. Strongly encourages libraries to perform outreach and provide access to materials for both education and entertainment in a variety of formats and media in as many languages as possible as appropriate for the populations being served;

    6. Strongly encourages libraries and library workers to provide services to migrant families and reexamine their policies to resolve any barriers to access presented to the access to services.


    1.       2015-2016 ALA CD#38_Revised-2_63015_FINAL

    2.       2017-2018 ALA CD#20.3_7618

    3.       "Prisoners' Right to Read: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights", American Library Association, August 20, 2010.

    4.       "Lawyers Say Migrant Children Are Living in 'Traumatic and Dangerous' Conditions at Border Detention Site Time Magazine BY CEDAR ATTANASIO, GARANCE BURKE AND MARTHA MENDOZA / AP UPDATED: JUNE 21, 2019 8:55 PM ET | ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: JUNE 20, 2019

    5.       "An Expert on Concentration Camps Says That's Exactly What the US Is Running at the Border" by Jack Holmes Esquire Magazine June 13, 2019

    6.       "For Refugees Storytime Helps Heal Trauma" Rachel Chernasky New York Times April 17, 2019.

    Mover: Jules Shore


    Emily Clasper

    Sara Dallas

    Aaron Dobbs

    Louis Muñoz

    Ed Garcia

    Elissia Buell

    Mel Gooch

    Gina Kromhout

    Rivkah Sass

    Martin Garnar

  • 31.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:32 PM
    I want to be a seconder and BCALA endorses this resolution

    Eboni Henry
    School Media Specialist
    DC Public schools

  • 32.  RE: Resolution on Library Service for Children in Detention

    Posted Jun 24, 2019 09:37 PM
    I will second also!

    Kari Mitchell

    Sent from my iPhone
    Please excuse any typos