ALA Council

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Reminder: Deadline for Virtual Meetings Resolutions June 8, 2020, no later than 4:30 PM CDT

  • 1.  Reminder: Deadline for Virtual Meetings Resolutions June 8, 2020, no later than 4:30 PM CDT

    Posted Jun 01, 2020 01:48 PM

    Dear fellow Councilors,


    This message is a reminder about the submission deadline for forthcoming virtual Membership and Council meetings. All resolutions, including memorials, testimonials, and tributes,  are due by Monday, June 8, 2020, no later than 4:30 PM Central Daylight Time.


    Many superb resolutions have been shared  on the Council list,other email lists, and ALA Connect groups. However, resolutions are not considered official until they have been sent directly to the ALA Resolutions Committee. Please make sure to submit all resolutions  via E-Form to alaresolutions@ala.orgg.

    The E-Form can be found at



    Please feel free to address questions and concerns about Resolutions, Memorials, and Tributes to or directly to me at mmarlin33.3@gmail.comm.


    For more detailed information regarding how to prepare resolutions, please visit: 


    For more information about the 2020 Virtual Council Meetings:


    I look forward to our virtual convening in three weeks. – Mike M.



    Mike L.  Marlin

    Chair, ALA Resolutions Committee

    Director, California Braille and Talking Book Library

    Sacramento, CA

    ALA Councilor at Large

    ALA/ASGCLA Representative to IFLA Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities Standing Committee

    Work Email:

    Tel:(916) 651-0812

    Personal Email:

    Mobile: (916) 243-9778



    Mike Marlin
    Director, Braille and Talking Book Library
    California State Library

  • 2.  RE: Reminder: Deadline for Virtual Meetings Resolutions June 8, 2020, no later than 4:30 PM CDT

    Posted Jun 02, 2020 09:33 AM
    Hello Councilors,
    1) Anyone want to help me write a resolution to make sure that what happen when all the monies were shifted from Unit reserves to operational cost with no accountability or promises restitution will not happen again.  Maybe something like a change in A 6.1.2 to make sure that 100% of the Credit of a division  (Bylaws VI 6 (b)) and a Round Tables (Bylaws VII 3) being held in custody will not be used without a promise to reimburse that credit.  

    2) I also suggest that we strengthen the libraries role in fighting Racism B 3.2 to reflect that the state university and local public libraries are a part of the government of a community and libraries stand with the patrons to promote communication with those governments and to be a two-way conduit of information to demystify the operations and services provided to the city, county, or state.  Services like providing guidance on how to file a discrimination or other complaints against a representative of the government (police and others) or to host pro bono lawyers to help with legal paperwork.

    3) I would also vote for a resolution encouraging all libraries and/or maybe ALA to provide library users information about the COVID-19 Health and Economic Crises, not just information but the services and the support being offered to their community by charities, federal programs, state grants & assistance programs, and local governments.  Maybe something with GODORT.

    Please let's do something.

    Jennifer C. Boettcher


    Jennifer C. Boettcher

    MLS and MBA

    Business Information Consultant

    Georgetown University

    To protect the health and safety of the Georgetown community, the University Libraries buildings will be closed. We will still be providing reference services online including chat, email, and text through our website at Of course, you can always contact me

    202 687-7495 (it's being forwarded to my home phone)

    2020 Summer Office hours:   by appointment

    Taking most Wednesdays Off 

    Mon, Tue, Thur on Chat 5-7, Fri on Chat 12-2


    Boettcher's Zoom Room

    Website / Blog Page


    ZombieList for business history


    Federal Data Strategy

    ORCID: 0000-0003-4058-244X

    Co-Author of "Industry Research Using the Economic Census," (Greenwood, 2004)

    Honored with Vicennial Medal and 2010 BRASS Award for Excellence in Business Librarianship