ALA Council

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  • 1.  Follow-up to COO action at 2013 Annual Conference

    Posted Jan 02, 2014 06:05 PM

    Happy new year, Council members!

    For your consideration and discussion I have attached a document that follows up on Council's action at the 2013 Annual Conference to improve the nature of reporting by ALA and Council Committees. (I is the "Committee communication issues" document.)  I have also attached an updated report on reporting behavior by ALA and Council committees and, thanks to Lois Ann's fine service, the transcript of the relevant portion of the Council II meeting in Chicago.


    Additional attachments include an article on committee management from the Non Profit Report (which was included as an appendix to COO's 2013 AC report to Council).

    And for those of you curious about history, I have attached Council meeting transcripts from the 1990s when there were multiple discussions of this issue.  (I think that they demonstrate that Council works more effectively today!)


    Rather than risk repeating the history of a committee proposal that yo-yos back and forth over several years between COO and Council, I hope that Councilors will share your thoughts, ideas, proposals, etc., on this issue between now and January 24.

    These documents have also been shared with COO. I will share with Council COO members' ideas and vice versa.

    If one of your New Year's resolutions is to do ALA business before you get to the conference city, here is an opportunity to put that in action!

    Thank you for giving this your careful consideration.

  • 2.  RE: Follow-up to COO action at 2013 Annual Conference

    Posted Jan 03, 2014 03:06 PM

    Hi Jim, Thanks for putting all of this together. I'm supportive of sunsetting ALA committees and Council committees. I'm thinking that two years without a report should be enough to trigger a dissolution recommendation from COO. But we do need to make sure that committee chairs are fully informed about reporting requirements and a place to post reports should be clearly established. 

    Unless it is getting too far in the weeds, I would recommending posting committee reports either to ALA Connect or the ALA Wiki. 

  • 3.  RE: Follow-up to COO action at 2013 Annual Conference

    Posted Jan 12, 2014 02:51 PM

    Links to reports are posted at . Committee chairs receive their initial notice about their responsibility to submit reports when (and in some cases it is “if”) they participate in the committee chairs orientation session TOLD conducts at the start of the Annual Conference right before their terms as a committee chair begin.  When some time has passed after the Midwinter Meeting and after the Annual Conference the COO staff liaison asks her peers who are staff liaisons to other committees to remind their chairs to submit reports.

    Where the reports are posted is important.  More significant issues are: 1) that they regularly report on their work; and  2) what to do about committees that do not report over an extended period.

  • 4.  RE: Follow-up to COO action at 2013 Annual Conference

    Posted Jan 12, 2014 02:58 PM
      |   view attached

    Please see the attached document.

    Comments from COO members before Midwinter are important sooner rather than later, especially since some COO members will not be able to participate in person at one or both COO meetings in Philadelphia.  So please share your thoughts!


  • 5.  RE: Follow-up to COO action at 2013 Annual Conference

    Posted Jan 12, 2014 05:36 PM

    Jim, is the ALA-Association of American Publishers committee the one that meets (or used t0) with IFC?

  • 6.  RE: Follow-up to COO action at 2013 Annual Conference

    Posted Jan 22, 2014 02:54 PM

    I don't know the answer to your question.

    Jim Rettig