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Heather Loy

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Heather Loy

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Posted By Heather Loy Oct 20, 2020 09:17 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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SCASL also struggled with the decision to make our SCASL Messenger public or keep it a member benefit. Ultimately, we decided that since it is one of our main advocacy efforts, we would make it 100% public. Our Fall issue is the only issue we print as well as have available electronically. It is sent ...
Posted By Heather Loy Feb 10, 2014 06:59 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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South Carolina (SCASL) sponsors/manages the state book awards. Book award members are a two year term; however, chairs are three year terms. Everyone used to be three years, but it seemed to be more of a difficulty to commit so a change was made. You must wait a year after serving before ...