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Ms. Mary Ellen Minichiello

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Mary Ellen Minichiello

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Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Nov 11, 2022 08:34 AM
Found In Egroup: RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)
\ view thread I thought this might be an interesting event. We could discuss it in an upcoming round table. Mary Ellen Sent from my iPhone
Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Oct 31, 2022 11:42 AM
Found In Egroup: RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)
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Hello,I haven't been able to make any of the book discussions, unfortunately, but I am attending EDI Assembly meetings. We had one last week, and I also attended a webinar on Literacy Programs to Enhance Equity in the public libraries. I am unsure of how you would like me to give information that I collect ...
Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Aug 29, 2021 09:39 AM
Found In Egroup: RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)
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Please give directions how to join the zoom group. Is there a link posted? ------------------------------ Mary Ellen Minichiello Adjunct Professor in Library Media Southern CT State University ------------------------------
Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Jul 22, 2021 07:53 AM
Found In Egroup: RMRT (Retired Members Round Table)
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I would love to do this!  Great idea! ------------------------------ Mary Ellen Minichiello Adjunct Professor in Library Media Southern CT State University ------------------------------
Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Oct 17, 2015 04:30 PM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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Sorry, but the New England School Library Association (NESLA) will be unable to participate in the affiliate representation. It's a wonderful idea, and I hope that it becomes a tradition! Mary Ellen MinichielloOn Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 4:25 PM, ALA Connect wrote:
Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Mar 19, 2015 10:37 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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Hello,I left Chicago early because of the blizzard. This position is quite daunting, if I am reading the AASL by-laws correctly. I would like to become more involved in AASL, but I am thinking that I need more experience before I submit my name as a candidate. I am active in my state and regional associations ...
Posted By Mary Ellen Minichiello Jul 01, 2013 06:36 AM
Found In Egroup: AASL Chapters Forum
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We welcome you to Hartford in November! We are excited about hosting AASL ! We lobbied to be included in an advisory committee to the state board of education's executive committee on developing a framework tool for teacher evaluation. We are making ourselves visible in the state and have written ...