Sustainability Round Table Community

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A working space for the Sustainability Round Table.

Ideas for SustainRT activities, partnerships, etc. 

Feb 20, 2013 10:13 AM

A working list of potential project activities, partnership, etc.:

NOTE: For press release-type info about SustainRT, check out piece Bonnie Smith's piece at

1) From Madeleine Charney Feb 2013: Work with Sustainable Agriculture Education Association to identify the "most important publications in sustainable agriculture today." This came from a thread in the SAEA LinkedIn group Feb 2013

2) From Terry Link July 2013: Connect with US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development (Terry is a Senior Fellow with them)

3) From Terry Link July 2013: Join HEASC Higher Education Associations Sustainability Consortium

4) From Terry Link July 2013: Urge ALA's Committee on Accreditation to join the Disciplinary Associations Network for Sustainability

5) From Fred Stoss July 2013: SRRT provided bicycle rentals at the 2009 ALA Annual in Chicago, as organized by Jonathan Betz-Zahl. Well received by bike users! Apparently there were issues about how to promote this service b/c of insurance and liability issues that ALA might face.  Perhaps SustainRT can investigate for future ALA conference locations (Annual, Midwinter and all division National Meetings).

6) From Terry Link July 2013: For academics, join AASHE (Assoc. for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Ed), including Grnlist listserv

7) From Terry Link 2013: Stay abreast of conferences such as the annual Smart and Sustainable Campus at University of Maryland and the bi-annual Greening of the Campus at Ball State.

8) From Terry Link 2013: For public libraries, connect with NACO Green Government Initiative, BALLE and ICLEI. Both should be interested in the Green Press Initiative and their library should subscribe to, and they should read: Resurgence (UK) now merged with Ecologist; Sustainability: The Journal of Record; Solutions; and Yes Magazine



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Aug 16, 2013 10:17 AM

We should connect with the International Relations Round Table, International Sustainable Library Development Interest Group.

Apr 11, 2013 03:43 PM

Thanks to both of you for these good suggestions. Laura, I was tickled to see your name as I just cited your work a few times in a book chapter I've submitted for review. It is great to see all of the people in SLA working for these causes and your ERMD newsletter, for example, is a good model for us for SustainRT. And Bonnie, I also like the webinar format like we used in the last calendar year for those who can't or choose not to travel to the large conferences. I second that emotion.  Peace, Mara

Apr 09, 2013 10:12 AM

I would recommend collaborative webinars twice a year - between ALA conference, for the exchange of ideas and inclusion of those who cannot attend conferences - sharing anything that happened at conference and ideas for moving forward - along the lines of the sustainability webinar series that was held last year.

Apr 09, 2013 09:21 AM

I recommend connecting with SLA's Environment & Resource Management Division, which is the home for environmental librarians within SLA. See for more information.

Apr 09, 2013 09:21 AM

I recommend connecting with SLA's Environment & Resource Management Division, which is the home for environmental librarians within SLA. See for more information.

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