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A working space for the Sustainability Round Table.

Reminder: Sustainable Swag at ALA 2023 Annual Conference

  • 1.  Reminder: Sustainable Swag at ALA 2023 Annual Conference

    Posted Jun 13, 2023 10:15 AM

    This is a gentle reminder that if you are attending ALA Annual this June and plan on checking out the exhibitor floor, please help out the Sustainability Round Table by keeping an eye out for sustainable swag. If you spot a vendor distributing swag that meets sustainability criteria (e.g. see this rubric), please let us know by filling out this quick survey!

    What is an actual example of "sustainable swag"? Check out these cool types of swag from vendors like Brill, BioOne, The New York Times, The Chicago Manual of Style, Lexington Books, and DeGruyter! Don't forget to review our rubric to determine if something is sustainably made. 

    Picture showing sustainable swag such as cork coaster, reusable metal straw, recycled material pens and notebook.

    Thank you Erika Jenns for the submission!

    Posted on behalf of SustainRT's Public Advocacy and Awareness Committee

    Beth South
    Assistant Librarian of Access & Technical Services
    Indiana University East