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A working space for the Sustainability Round Table.

  • 1.  Library Cards - Recycled options, Opt-in inquiry, and Welcome letters

    Posted Aug 26, 2024 12:06 PM


    We are in the midst of seeking a vendor for a few new color library card designs and a few questions arose.

    1) Is anyone familiar with a vendor that makes cards out of post-consumer or recycled/compostable material? 

    2) Does your library card application include an opt-in to share the cardholder contact information with your Friends/Foundation group?

    3) Does your library send an automatic "Welcome!" email and/or provide engaging print material (what?) to new cardholders? Do you have an intentional process to reach people who have recently moved to the area? 

    Your suggestions, recommendations, and insights are welcomed. 

    Thank you!

    Francesca Garibaldi

  • 2.  RE: Library Cards - Recycled options, Opt-in inquiry, and Welcome letters

    Posted Aug 27, 2024 11:41 AM
    1) We do not have this type of card but we have a frequent patron from the Mamaroneck Public Library and his card is a thick cardboard that looks like it is post-consumer recycled. They are worth checking out.
    2) no, but good idea
    3) no, but an email is sent with the new library card number so they can use it right away.

    Amy Berger
    Chappaqua Library