Hi all!
SustainRT is very fortunate to be working with Amanda Comstock, who is earning a Masters in Positive Organizational Development at Case Western Reserve University. Amanda's background is as an environmental/experiential educator and somatic movement educator. SustainRT is Amanda's final project (:D), so she is offering some very cool renewal-focused support for us, recognizing that sustainability work can be emotionally draining and difficult. Please feel free to sign up for any of these that interest you, and let me (a.goodsett@csuohio.edu) or Amanda (somatic.sustainability@gmail.com) know if you have any questions!
"Lunch and Learn" Professional Development
Two Part Series:
Part I: From Sustainability to Flourishing - Monday, June 3rd, 12:00 EST - 12:30 EST
Part II: From Flourishing to Regeneration – Tuesday, June 11th, 12:00 EST - 12:30 EST
Learn about how we can move from a "doing less harm" model to thinking about active regeneration of our ecosystems. I will also offer both educational resources as well as some mindfulness practices that hope to support your personal wellbeing too!
Register here: https://empoweredlearning.corsizio.com/
Drop-in Practices to reduce stress and increase renewal. 15 minutes. Mondays & Thursdays; 12:00 noon EST; 4:30 PM EST; More upon request.
Beginning Monday, May 20th, at 4:30 PM (no noon session). Register here: https://empoweredlearning.corsizio.com/
Modalities may include: Mindfulness + Movement; Art and Creativity; Meditation; Rest; Journaling/Writing; Somatic Reboot
Mandi Goodsett
Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian, OER & Copyright Advisor
Cleveland State University