Sustainability Round Table Members Community

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A working space for the Sustainability Round Table.

  • 1.  Notes from 3-18-2013 virtual meeting

    Posted Mar 18, 2013 02:09 PM

    SustainRT Virtual Meeting




    Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Jonathon Betz-Zall, Monika Antonelli, Madeleine Charney (facilitator), Beth Filar Williams (joining late), Ashley Jones



    1 - Review by-laws and officer roles (see Connect room)

    Discussed the difference between a Board of Directors and an Executive Board. General consensus is that we don’t need both to start. We can just have the Board of Directors for now, and when the need for an Executive board arises, we can amend the by-laws…

    Instead of having ten members on the Board of Directors, start with five – President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Director at Large

    Also noted we should include the idea of a yearly (or two year) strategic plan in the by-laws

    We should include a description of duties for the various officers, including Director at Large

    Do we need a nominating committee? Can people nominate themselves? Do self-nominees need to petition?

    Question was raised, how do we “elect” the first round of officers? Perhaps John A. can give us more info/timeline for doing this

    Will continue to revise by-laws on connect and through email


    2 - Discuss potential for pre-conference at ALA 2014 annual in Las Vegas

    Did not get to this point.

    3 - Seeking a school librarian for this group

    Elaine is still a good option, she is very committed just unable to meet during the day. Can find ways to get around this…asynchronous meetings, round robin emails, ALA connect site…ask her what might work best for her to stay in the loop and connected

    4 - Dues ($8-$10. Should we do $9?) - need to get this to John asap.

    The group agreed that $10 was the best amount.

    5 - Website content (Ashley and Leighann, Editors, will set up a time for remote training session)

    Leighann, Beth and Ashley are going to set up a time for training

    6 - Listserv (ideas to discuss: asking for donations from our petition signers, meeting attendees. Maybe we can draft up a formal email soliciting "member" donations?)

    Asking for donations – It was agreed it may be a little premature to ask for donations, should wait until we have more specific things to fund

    Ideas for listserv

     Jonathan is working on sustainability principles for librarians project and thought that could be a good discussion for the listserv. Rebekkah is working on a similar project, they are going to collaborate…

     Encouraging people to introduce themselves on the listserve as they join the group

    Idea of the month topic

     Mini-case studies

    Leading questions

    “share your project”, invite collaboration

    Ideas for getting the word out

     Rebekkah’s facebook group

    LinkedIn group

    Publications, newsletters (Electronic Green Libraries)

    Press release and website to coincide with Earth Day? (April 22nd) Monika will come up with a press release, with Madeleine’s help

    ALA e-news

    7 - Need to change our acronym to SustainRT in Connect, iMIS, ALA Scheduler, etc.,

    John A. put in a request with ITTS to see if we can change the code to SustainRT (in iMis it would be all caps) – which should inform how it looks in other areas…(per John’s update email)

    8 - Meet up at ACRL

    ACRL meet-up will be at 5:00 on Friday. Beth is working with some local librarians and coming up with some great ideas for this

    9 - Other ideas for SustainRT (e.g. webinars)

    Did not get to this point.

  • 2.  RE: Notes from 3-18-2013 virtual meeting

    Posted Mar 29, 2013 06:20 PM

    Hello All,

    I just read over the notes from the meeting, it sounds like there was a lot discussed and some great ideas. I like the part about encouraging new members to introduce themselves and also the idea about sharing your project, that way we can get ideas from each other and maybe collaborate on projects. I also think it is important to let members know how they can contribute, ie: we need help with such and such.

    Ideas for getting the word out, one thing I thought of, and I don't know if it would be possible to do but if there was a way to get a list or somehow contact librarians/library staff who have an environmental sustainability group in their library or have an Environmental/Sustainability Lib Guide and let them know about the group. 

    Have a nice weekend.
