We had a great meeting with Daniel Messer and Dr. Jordan in attendance.
We went over our proposal from last year and adapted it to submit for this year, which we will need to submit soon as it is due by September 16th! Especially if you were unable to attend today's meeting I would greatly appreciate it if you could please take a moment to look over our
proposal working document and make any suggestions by Friday the 2nd of September (a bit more than a week) to give me time to make any alterations and get our proposal in by the deadline.
I will be sending this out by a non-Connect email as well just to make sure everyone sees this message.
Thank you all!
Joshua Newport
Math and Science Librarian
Illinois State University
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 22, 2022 02:07 PM
From: Joshua Newport
Subject: Meeting Agenda for Wednesday
This Wednesday, 8/24, we will have our August meeting (Zoom link https://illinoisstate.zoom.us/j/93692419358 ). This will be a very important meeting as the deadline for this year's ALA proposals is September 16th, making this meeting our last one before the deadline! The agenda for the meeting is going to be to review the proposal from last year and tweak it so that we can get our proposal for this year submitted very quickly!
Also, thanks to Bill Ladewski and RUSA we seem to finally have our space on ALA Connect up and running!! Thank you so much!
Joshua Newport
Math and Science Librarian
Illinois State University