Project Outcome for Public Libraries - Peer Discussion Board

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Project Outcome ( helps public libraries understand and share the impact of essential library services and programs. It is designed to give libraries simple tools and supportive resources to help turn better data into better libraries. This community is for Project Outcome users at public libraries to discuss their use of outcome measurement, ask each other about patron engagement strategies, and further the thoughts and conversations that begin with Here, you can find various threads to ask and answer questions, start your own conversations, or further your own learning about how libraries are using outcome measurement to improve their patron-focused programs and services.
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Share Your Feedback on Project Outcome!

  • 1.  Share Your Feedback on Project Outcome!

    Posted Apr 13, 2023 12:12 PM

    PLA is seeking your feedback! As one of Project Outcome's nearly 19,000 users, we want to learn more about your experience using outcome measurement, and your thoughts on the overall usefulness of the resources and dashboards within the Project Outcome toolkit. Help us by sharing feedback in this brief anonymous user survey by April 30th. The results will inform future improvements to Project Outcome. Thanks in advance for your consideration and participation.

    Katina Jones
    PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
    American Library Association