Project Outcome for Public Libraries - Peer Discussion Board

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Project Outcome ( helps public libraries understand and share the impact of essential library services and programs. It is designed to give libraries simple tools and supportive resources to help turn better data into better libraries. This community is for Project Outcome users at public libraries to discuss their use of outcome measurement, ask each other about patron engagement strategies, and further the thoughts and conversations that begin with Here, you can find various threads to ask and answer questions, start your own conversations, or further your own learning about how libraries are using outcome measurement to improve their patron-focused programs and services.
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  • 1.  Samples of Project Outcome branded forms

    Posted Dec 08, 2023 05:48 PM

    Hi all, 

    We are getting ready to launch the use of Project Outcome Surveys across the state of Hawaii in our public libraries on January 1st, 2024. Are we given permission by PLA to add our library system's logo and additional graphics? 

    If so, can any of you share what your system has come up with? We are brainstorming for ideas to introduce it to the public and give a brief overview at the top of each survey. We are also trying out the use of Microsoft Forms and a generated QR code to collect web-submitted surveys. Has anyone else tried this or have tips to share? 

    Thanks for any info along the way! We'll share what we create too if can. 

    Jessica Hogan
    Data Librarian
    Hawaii State Library

  • 2.  RE: Samples of Project Outcome branded forms

    Posted Dec 11, 2023 08:39 AM
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    You are able to add a logo to the top of the survey. The logo specs are 300 px x 300 px. When you create a new survey, it will automatically ask you to add the logo. I've added one of our surveys for reference. 

    And I believe you can customize some of the online stuff more - we don't do that. 

    Jennifer Demas
    Senior Librarian


    Outsmart Scammers_LIN.pdf   25 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Samples of Project Outcome branded forms

    Posted Oct 15, 2024 08:22 AM
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    Sorry to be a bit late to the discussion! Tulsa City-County Library offers print surveys for Early Literacy and Education & Lifelong Learning programs. Because so many program participants were marking "Disagree" on the Likert scale yet providing glowing qualitative feedback, our PR office re-designed those surveys using emotions and library brand colors to help bring an awareness to response options. Since then, our survey responses have been on target. An example of the Likert scale is attached.

    Suanne Wymer
    Youth Services Manager
    Tulsa City-County Library