Happy to say I am inputting surveys and responses for our library system. It is going well. There are two problems I'm having though ~
1) I am also having trouble generating any reports. It always says "No Data" even though I choose a survey there are responses for. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
2) When uploading a batch from the supplied template, it says it uploaded and is working, but 45 minutes later, there are no survey results showing for a batch of 13. Maybe it takes longer than I think it should? I will keep checking to see if the responses appear.
Other than that, the online portal is very easy to use. Thanks in advance for any troubleshooting or suggestions you can provide.
Have a nice long Presidents' Day Weekend!!!
Jessica Hogan
Data Librarian
Hawaii State Library
Original Message:
Sent: Feb 13, 2024 02:28 PM
From: Nancy Mocsiran
Subject: Report Generation not Working Correctly
Is this error happening again? I get to the Preview Report screen and then that same error message on my report.

Am I maybe trying to pull too much data?
Nancy Mocsiran
Knowledge Manager
Cleveland Public Library
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 09, 2023 04:52 PM
From: Katina Jones
Subject: Report Generation not Working Correctly
Jennifer - thanks for working with me on this error on Friday.
The problem resulting in the "No programs were found" error when using the Program Date filter on the Build Report dashboard has been resolved.
Katina Jones
PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
American Library Association
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 06, 2023 02:20 PM
From: Jennifer Demas
Subject: Report Generation not Working Correctly
We are trying to build some reports in the data dashboard and have suddenly started having problems. We did archive a bunch of old surveys at the beginning of the year. I am trying to get a report for active surveys only. We use the immediate surveys.
When I am trying to do a date range, the system tells me that there are no programs during that date range. However, I have programs in that range.
Here is the error:

And here is a listing of the first couple of programs in that date range:
If you continue in building the report, it pulls in information for every survey we've ever done in that category & gives you the open-ended responses for programs that have been archived but none that are active.
How do I get the reports I'm looking for?
Jennifer Demas
Senior Librarian