Project Outcome for Public Libraries - Peer Discussion Board

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Project Outcome ( helps public libraries understand and share the impact of essential library services and programs. It is designed to give libraries simple tools and supportive resources to help turn better data into better libraries. This community is for Project Outcome users at public libraries to discuss their use of outcome measurement, ask each other about patron engagement strategies, and further the thoughts and conversations that begin with Here, you can find various threads to ask and answer questions, start your own conversations, or further your own learning about how libraries are using outcome measurement to improve their patron-focused programs and services.
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  • 1.  Overview Infographic - How to Save / Print ?

    Posted Jun 30, 2023 03:46 PM

    Under the Data Dashboard tab, has anyone been able to save or print the "Overview" or "Detail" screen in it's entirety? I can only save each individual section in the Overview, but I would like to save the entire screen which captures all types of survey results. Unfortunately when you try to print to PDF both the Overview and the Detail pages both have funky formatting and content is cut off. Any advice on printing/saving the Overview and Detail pages as reports?  

    Oscar Gittemeier
    Program Manager, Division of Innovation & Community Engagement
    San Diego Public Library

  • 2.  RE: Overview Infographic - How to Save / Print ?

    Posted Jun 30, 2023 04:36 PM

    Hi Oscar!

    It might be best to adjust your screen window size to get the charts to the size/format you desire and then take a screenshot (or use the screen capture software of your choice) to capture the image. The option to save as an infographic was designed for a single chart as you described - creating a screen capture is better for an entire dashboard.

    There is the added bonus that your library has been prolific in its use of Project Outcome, so you have a lot more survey topics and SDGs to display than most. Another option is to use the Detail Dashboard (instead of the Overview Dashboard) to take a screenshot by topic (see below and attached). 

    Thanks for asking this question. We will add this specific case to our list of possible improvements to investigate further. Please let me know if this brings up any additional questions.


    Katina Jones
    PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
    American Library Association