Project Outcome for Public Libraries - Peer Discussion Board

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Project Outcome ( helps public libraries understand and share the impact of essential library services and programs. It is designed to give libraries simple tools and supportive resources to help turn better data into better libraries. This community is for Project Outcome users at public libraries to discuss their use of outcome measurement, ask each other about patron engagement strategies, and further the thoughts and conversations that begin with Here, you can find various threads to ask and answer questions, start your own conversations, or further your own learning about how libraries are using outcome measurement to improve their patron-focused programs and services.
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  • 1.  Online Version/Data Entry Version of Survey not in correct order

    Posted Feb 23, 2024 10:33 AM

    I went in to add data to a survey (using enter responses online)  that we created a while back and all the questions are in a different order and one of them doesn't display the options in the drop box. However the print version is still displaying correctly. I am attaching the print version & screen shots of the online version.

    Jennifer Demas
    Senior Librarian


    Painting Club_ESTR.pdf   25 KB 1 version
    Broken Online Screeshots.pdf   204 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Online Version/Data Entry Version of Survey not in correct order

    Posted Feb 23, 2024 12:04 PM

    Jennifer - thanks for sending this over. Until we get this solved, I would encourage you to use the Bulk Entry Form (I emailed you separately with the link to the form for your survey).

    What's the Bulk Entry Form? Click through for the Entering Paper Survey Responses tutorial (login required) for explanations of your options:

    1. Entering Responses Individually (where Jennifer discovered the issue reported)
    2. Bulk Entry Form
    3. Bulk Upload Template

    If anyone else is having this issue - online survey not matching your desired/designed survey layout - please let us know.

    Thank you,

    Katina Jones
    PLA Program Manager, Evaluation & Assessment
    American Library Association